(no subject)

Jun 04, 2009 00:33

WHO: Tank Girl, Atsuko Jackson
WHERE: In a department store that Tank is breaking into, for shits and giggles.
WHEN: Urrrr, sometime this weekend?
WARNINGS: Could be anything, given that this is Tank involved.
SUMMARY: Tank breaks the law - what else is new - but this time she's breaking it in front of law enforcement officials.
FORMAT: Whatevs

So, Tank was bored.

She had been getting bored for a while lately, because she felt she wasn't REALLY living up to the nomadic lifestyle she loved so much. Even without Laurie around, she was getting lazy. Sitting around too much. Sure, it felt great getting on the comm and insulting absolutely everyone, but there was more to life than that.

Golf games with the devil: Check.
Music and drugs with Jet: Check.
Really, REALLY breaking the law: No check.

She hadn't killed anyone in ages - fucking city of superpowers made it much more unlikely that she'd ever get away with that, and she had a couple of friendship ties to keep up - and she hadn't bulldozed anything, or really blown up anything, or, GOD, anything.

She needed some good old fashioned breaking and entering, with defamation of property. She'd get FAR less shit from all the heroes for that than if she blew someone's head off.

So, in the downtown district, past midnight, there Tank was - punching a sheet of glass with a brick to a department store, just so she could get inside and vandalize everything for the hell of it. Tank didn't really care about stealing anything. It was about the thrill of doing ANYTHING illegal for the first time in awhile.

Which meant she didn't really care who was watching.

† tank girl | n/a, *complete, † atsuko jackson | whiplash

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