
May 06, 2009 23:51

WHO: Sunfire and Karma.
WHERE: Coffee shop near the X-Mansion
WHEN: May 06 at 3:30pm
WARNINGS: None! Possibly lesbian flirting.
SUMMARY: Mariko meets up with Shan at a local coffee place so they can swap Sam stories and get to know each other better.
FORMAT: Whatever we want idk

I fail at witty song lyrics, so this cut is boring. )

† xi'an coy manh | karma, † mariko yashida | sunfire, *in progress

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whatg0esaround May 10 2009, 21:40:27 UTC
"That's your power? You can fly?" she smiled at that; she'd always been so envious of people with liberating powers like that. She'd flown around with Sam many times, and always loved being in the air.

The thought of the X-Men, too, made her smile. It had been quite sometime since she'd seen most of them, and they always gave her a warm, welcoming feeling. That put her further at ease with Mariko, and she leaned back against the her seat as she watched her. "Sounds much the same as the team I knew as well. It must have been pretty exciting for you to work with the main roster though; not many of us New Mutants got the chance, minus Sam. What was it like?"

Giving the question some thought, Xi'an drew some circles on the table top with her fingers. "I prefer true life books. History, biographies, real life accounts of people overcoming obstacles, attacks, or imprisonments. Like empowerment and enlightenment, that sort of thing," she smiled at that and shifted her gaze back up at her company. "As for music, mostly rock. I do not like anything angry though, just fun. The Go-go's, the Cranberries, Letters to Cleo, Janis Joplin, Joss Stone, Amy Winehouse. Female musicians mostly, I guess you can say. How about you?"


sunfire_ii May 11 2009, 00:07:19 UTC
"Part of it! My codename is Sunfire; Sam tells me you have a guy like me in your world who can do the same stuff." She held out her hand, creating what looked like a miniature sun in the palm of her hand. "Basically, I manipulate solar energy. I can make flight work kind of the same way Sam can; pushing a bunch of solar energy underneath me so I take off like a rocket."

Mariko laughed. "Exciting's a word for it. They're always getting into trouble, that's for sure. And there are plenty of egoes to contend with in that older 'we've been X-Men forever, you just don't know the ropes yet' group." She waved a hand. "They were well meaning enough, just a little elitist on accident sometimes. And sometimes not on accident." But Mariko didn't have any bad memories of working with the X-Men; that's part of what you'd expect with such a well known and genuinely elite team, after all.

"Oh yeah? Any particular time period or person you like to read about?" She wrinkled her nose a little at the band names with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I'm still kind of new to American music. I like classical, mostly, though I'll listen to almost anything. I'll admit to country scaring me a little."


whatg0esaround May 11 2009, 02:05:26 UTC
"Yes I do believe there was an X-Man of that codename back home, actually. I never had the chance to meet him personally though. Well, when he wasn't possessed anyways," she made a face at that and chuckled. "I'm sure Sam loves having a friend to fly with though. He had a rival with a similar power back when he was a kid, Jetstream, and they raced every chance they got!"

Xi'an nodded at that, understanding Mariko's position quite well; the X-Men accidentally had similar attitudes toward the New Mutants many times, despite Xi'an being just a few months younger than Colossus. "Sounds like some things are universal then, mon amie. It's probably a default personality quirk that comes along with the team thing."

Sitting back and folding her arms, Xi'an wrinkled her nose playfully as she thought. "20th century, mostly. There was a lot of advancement then; the wars, women's rights, particularly frightening stories told about the progression of mental illness treatment," she bit the inside of her cheek and raised her eyebrows. "As for the music, I've been in America almost seven years now. The culture has taken over somewhat, I'll admit. We could find a record store someday, if you like. I can show you some things that both I and some of my American friends are into."


sunfire_ii May 12 2009, 03:46:14 UTC
She grinned. "It was a lot of fun. The only other flier I really know around here is Angel. And while he's a sweetie, he seems like he's got his hands full back at the Mansion what with Scott having been ported home." Mariko shrugged. "It happens around here sometimes. But unfortunately, Scott was the one running things. It's why we're a little on the disorganized side right now."

Her grin broadened at the offer. At least she hadn't flopped completely, not if Xi'an was inviting her out again. "I'd like that. I've only been here for three years, so it's still all pretty new to me. Well, four now I guess. Though I spent the last year or so kind of between worlds. Makes for a confusing birthday timeline."

Leaning forward, she rested her chin in the palms of her hands, still smiling. "So! Karma, right? Do you have some kind of luck based power?"


whatg0esaround May 12 2009, 04:35:43 UTC
"Ah, yes. Mr. Worthington was the one who gave me my job teaching. He's always had his hands full with things that I know of," Xi'an smiled a little fondly, and then grew curious. "I had no idea Cyclops was here before as well. This porter thing doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind. I find it kind of frightening, to be honest."

Xi'an grinned back at the acceptance. No, Mariko had been anything but a flop. It was easy to do back and forth conversation, plus they seemed to have some common ground with the cultural differences. Mariko seemed fun, and dare she think it, but she was cute too. "Time travel can be a headache, I agree, but it doesn't make settling in any easier at all! I'm sure there are a handful of places we can go--" she trailed off a bit and grinned bashfully when she realized she was maybe getting ahead of herself. "It will be fun."

The shyness didn't end with the last question either. While Xi'an did have great control over her powers, and respect for others while using them, they still scared people. Still scared even her sometimes. But this was a fellow mutant and X-Man she was talking to, so after a few moments of chewing her inner cheek she answered. "I'm a telepath, only my telepathy is effective by possession. That means I enter people's minds and can control their bodies, as well as their memories and emotions. It is not exactly the most popular power, but I've been taught very thorough restraint."

Now hopefully that didn't scare Mariko off.


sunfire_ii May 12 2009, 05:30:02 UTC
"He wasn't here very long," She admitted. "Or well, not long after I got here. I've only been here about two months myself. Then just.. poof." Mariko motioned with her hands. "It's pretty awful. Tabby did it once. Sam was pretty messed up. And I was still messed up from-- you know, the world I'd had to leave, so that's why we raced." Another smile. "It helped. And then Tabby came back, so things got better for Sam."

The bashful smile earned Xi'an a much broader one. "It will be. I'll admit I'm something of a vinyl idiot. There were a few people back at the base that swore by 'em, but all I know are CD's and mp3's. You might have to put up with me being a little bit of an idiot for awhile." Her smile turned apologetic.

Her eyes widened at the description of her power. "Well," She said after a moment, "That's definitely a new definition for out of body experience!" Far from freaked out, Mariko was intrigued. She leaned forward again. "I've never met anyone like that. I met a guy who can turn into anything-- and I do mean ANYTHING-- but never actually become them. What's it like?"


whatg0esaround May 12 2009, 07:00:24 UTC
Xi'an raised her eyebrows at that; it sounded like her friends had dealt with some drama over the weeks. That was unfortunate. "You left someone behind?

Xi'an caught the way Mariko had specifically said that things got better for Sam, and not for herself. Generally she did not like to pry, but she could not help but be just a little bit curious.

"I hardly call that being an idiot. There are nothing wrong with mp3's and CD's. We had a record player at the Institute as well, but vinyl albums are much harder to find, especially for modern day bands." She gave a quick shrug and her lips twitched up. "That is one of those things I never quite understood people being too picky about. Music is music, and as long as I get to enjoy what I listen to, then that's all that matters."

The curiosity was better than fear, and that eased Xi'an somewhat. After so many mishaps with her brother's powers, she understood full well why someone would not want to trust a person like her. She had always been very hesitant about telling people her powers - her school friends never knew until it was necessary - as there was just always so much hate back home. But this was a much preferred reaction, and Xi'an felt just that much more comfortable on the subject.

"It's scary," she admitted truthfully. "A person's mind is their one private place that belongs to them. Knowing someone's greatest fears or even just seeing the world through their eyes can be relatively pleasant if they've led a peaceful life, or can be horrifying, or just plan sad. I think, mostly, taking a turn being someone else makes you appreciate yourself that much more. A weird little twist, I guess you can say."


sunfire_ii May 12 2009, 07:26:29 UTC
"Oh, yeah. Some friends, the girlfriend I told you about earlier." She gave a light shrug and a small smile. "But it's--" Mariko cleared her throat. "Before I came here I, uhm. Died. So even if the porter took me home.." She spread her hands. "I've got no home to go back to."

It's something Mariko had thought a lot about when she got here but hadn't really vocalized. With all this talk of people being ported home, people trying to earn their way back home... what was supposed to happen to her? When she'd done enough good deeds here would she be sent back to being dead? Was that her reward? It was a pretty glum one.

Her smile went a bit more genuine at the mention of music, face scrunching up a bit. "Me either! And if you ask me, vinyl sounds scratchier. CD and mp3 quality seem a lot clearer. Less distorted."

She tilted her head to one side. "I'll bet," She said somberly. "I bet a lot of people don't think of it that way. I can see a lot of people just thinking it as like-- when Jean Grey takes over someone's brain and makes them do stuff, you know? It'd be different to have to BE them. If they're really angry, or terrified of everything, or just so depressed they can't function.. you'd feel all that too, right? Just like you were them?"


whatg0esaround May 12 2009, 17:53:07 UTC
"You died?" Xi'an's voice came out as a low mutter, and for a second she wasn't sure what to say. She had been informed about the porter's ability to resurrect people, and had a hard time believing it at first. It was all too surreal. "Does anyone know what happens to those who were brought back to life? I'm sorry if that's a silly question, but perhaps the porter is advanced enough to restore you back to your timeline?"

She hoped anyways. It was awful enough sitting around everyday and never knowing when you might suddenly be whisked away and brought back, but it would be worse to wait to be whisked back to death. No one deserved that, and in a lot of ways it made Xi'an more bitter of the city.

Shifting the conversation back to a more positive note, she gave a small smile and blew her bangs from her face. "Vinyl sounds scratchy yes. I suppose it is preferred if your style is more vintage, but I like it clear myself. Better bass that way too!"

Biting her lip, Xi'an folded her arms and contemplated the comparison. "Yes, I suppose you're right. Though Jean Grey does not terrify people any less," she laughed at that. "It is. Basically I become one with them. Their thoughts and feelings are felt, only I am the one in control. I can change it. It's just a lot of power to hold over one person's life, and I could never dream of wanting to abuse that."


sunfire_ii May 13 2009, 01:35:25 UTC
She gave her an awkward smile. "Who knows? People who leave don't seem to come back that I've noticed. Kind of sucks either way if you think about it. Not that I'd notice, I guess. All I really remember is.. building falling, then a lot of white. Then being here." Mariko frowned a little. "I hope the team's alright."

Swallowing a bit, she shook her head and forced up a smile. "I don't really care about vintage. I just want it to sound good! You have any idea how hard it is to get headphones that'll stay on and keep noise out when you're flying at a hundred miles an hour?"

The smile came easier the more Xi'an talked about herself. "Good thing someone like you has it, then," She inclined her head. "There are a lot of people out there who'd love to abuse a power like yours. I can't imagine what we'd have done if half the guys we'd gone up against had something like that at their disposal."


whatg0esaround May 13 2009, 08:16:52 UTC
"There was nothing at all after?" Xi'an nearly shocked herself by asking the question, and she felt a bit bad about it, honestly. But her faith had always kept her quite levelheaded in times of distress, so she couldn't help it. "I'm sorry, that just sounds... absolutely horrifying. I imagine it takes a great deal of courage to deal with that."

Forcing up a smile of her own to match Mariko's, Xi'an nodded in agreement, quite amused. "Now that would take both good equipment and a concrete set of ear drums, oui?"

However, her smile didn't last as long and she was right back to chewing her lip again at the topic of her power. "I've seen it happen actually, and it's terrifying. My brother had the same powers as me, and let's just say he didn't have the same restraint. I suppose it was him in those circumstances that motivated me to gain great control-- to overcome the temptation." She finally smiled then, unable to refrain from giving into that temptation. "It's good to know though when people have faith in your restraint."


sunfire_ii May 13 2009, 21:42:15 UTC
She shrugged with a small smile. "That's all I remember. Maybe there was something else I'm not aware of, or can't remember because I was tugged here. Don't know if it takes courage so much as a lack of options." Mariko laughed quietly. "Sure made landing here during a zombie attack a lot easier to handle. Beats being dead!"

Tapping at her ears, she winked and smiled. "I've gotta have decent hearing to survive, I guess. Side effect of the mutation."

But her face fell at the explanation. She hadn't meant the comment to be analogous to a real life situation, and certainly not one that close to home. "I'm sorry," She said quietly. "It must have been hard to have to watch. To deal with."


whatg0esaround May 15 2009, 02:52:21 UTC
Xi'an listened to Mariko intently, and wasn't sure what to think. On one hand she was somewhat put off by the lack of afterlife, but on the other she was glad that at least there was no memory of it. It had to make things a little easier. However, the zombie comment totally threw her for a loop. "You landed in the middle of what?? Does this place ever have normal days?"

The bewildered look turned into a smile or sorts, and she had to nod in agreement. "Ah yes, I suppose that would make sense then! So do your senses remain keen all the time, or just when you fly?"

Her smile remained. She didn't want Mariko to think that she was offended or anything. What happened with her brother did hurt, yes, but it was a long time ago. Like Xi'an said, she had learned from his mistakes, and she was the one still living a good life. "You don't have to be sorry. He let the power take control over him, and that's all there is to it. It was scary, but dealt with. Unfortunately, there just seems to be more people unwilling to use their power for good than ones who are. I suppose it's something I'm used to seeing by this point."


sunfire_ii May 16 2009, 23:06:58 UTC
Mariko wrinkled her nose. "Some! Just seems like you and me landed here during some weird ones. There were all these weird ... mutant zombie creatures everywhere, and we all spent the better part of a few days fighting them off, keeping civilians out of the way, stuff like that. It's how I met Sam, actually!"

She gave her an apologetic smile. "Just when I fly. But man, do I sometimes wish I had super hearing when I was landlocked. Talk about a useful power. Of course, that'd make noisy neighbors even more irritating I guess."

Listening to Xi'an for a moment, Mariko tilted her head to one side. "I don't know if I'd say most people are unwilling to use their powers for good. Most people may not even know it's an option, or how to. Or are too afraid to use their powers because they'd get labeled as a mutant. It's easier to side with a bunch of people who tell you that all these morons throwing stones at you are wrong than it is to side with the people telling you to make nice with those same people."


whatg0esaround May 16 2009, 23:52:13 UTC
"So if it's between zombie apocalypses and people randomly going crazy, it's okay?" Xi'an could not help but laugh at that, then quickly wrinkled her nose. "Leave it up to Sam to make friends that way. Sounds like a typical adventure for X-Force."

The apologetic smile Mariko gave her actually prompted a laugh out of Xi'an. The thought of hearing neighbours doing everything wasn't the least bit tempting. "I wouldn't be able to bear it! People's thoughts are bad enough, but every sound? Every detailed sight or smell? I don't know how those mutants do it!"

Mirroring her movement and tilting her head as well, she contemplated that. Xi'an supposed that was good reason enough, as she too had been far too worried about her powers at first to do any good with them. "Touché. It isn't a wonder that people like Magneto had so many followers then. Don't get me wrong, I respected him greatly at one time, but he's a megalomaniac. I suppose I just didn't take the time to see things better from his point of view."


sunfire_ii May 17 2009, 00:12:42 UTC
"Yep!" Mariko returned the laugh easily. "Pretty normal otherwise. Or as normal as lives in a city full of mutants can be, I guess."

She made a face. "Ugh, me either! I'd hate to have an enhanced senses of any kind. I wouldn't even want mind reading! People say enough stuff that I don't wanna hear; I don't want to hear the stuff they think, too!" Mariko gave her a light nudge under the table. "I don't envy you people at all!"

Mariko shook her head a little. "I'm not saying Magneto doesn't have a point. Hell, if he went about things differently I might even agree with him. But like you said, he's just out of control. It's not his opinion that I disagree with as much as the way he chooses to express it."


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