(no subject)

May 06, 2009 23:51

WHO: Sunfire and Karma.
WHERE: Coffee shop near the X-Mansion
WHEN: May 06 at 3:30pm
WARNINGS: None! Possibly lesbian flirting.
SUMMARY: Mariko meets up with Shan at a local coffee place so they can swap Sam stories and get to know each other better.
FORMAT: Whatever we want idk

Mariko was surprised at how excited she was about meeting Shan. She was always interested in meeting new people, especially people who turned up at the X-Mansion-- figuring out which universe they were from, who did what. It was fun learning about the differences between all the worlds that collided here and getting to know the versions of people she knew here, sometimes versions that were completely different from those she'd come to know.

It wasn't just that she'd confessed to being gay that piqued her interest-- though if she were honest with herself she'd admit that helped-- but that they had so much in common. She'd been so easy to talk to, almost like she'd known her already. And the Sam connection made for an easy topic of conversation for starters, at least.

She'd been the first to arrive at the coffee shop, though admittedly she'd gotten there a bit early. Quickly ordering a drink, she took a seat near the door and waited anxiously for probably the only other gay, Asian female X-Man to show up as well.

† xi'an coy manh | karma, † mariko yashida | sunfire, *in progress

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