(no subject)

Apr 01, 2009 10:17

WHO: Vimes and Door...then Vimes and Phoenix.
WHERE: City Jail.
WHEN: Morning of 4/1/09.
WARNINGS: Probably none.
SUMMARY: Vimes makes the first of who knows how many visits to the City nick to see what the heck is up with some of the prisoners.
FORMAT: v(._.)v

He was a big believer in getting receipts.

He wanted to know who was doing what, where, when and how, and with whom. He wanted to know where those whoms were at any given time, as well. Prisoners did not disappear, not on his watch. Not in his Watch. This City seemed to have one thing up on Ankh-Morpork: paperwork was vastly simpler...but at the same time there sure did seem to be a hell of a lot more of it.

Maybe he should actually give in and hire a secretary...

Later. First things first.

He strode through the jail, taking mental notes for when he did get back home. The automated systems. The type of building. The way the cells were spaced. The lighting. There was no 'prisoners in cellars' here, and he found himself liking that. (Mental note: Get to know the warden and guards personally. He wanted to know the screws, otherwise all the florescent lighting in the universe wouldn't throw enough light on misdeeds. Not in his Watch.)

First up: Young lady by the name of Door Portico. No trial date as yet. Turned herself in for murder, several counts. Hm.

He reached the cell, and leaned up against the bars.

"Good morning."

((Also, if there's any other player characters in jail who want to do a log with Vimes, email me!))

† door portico | portal, † phoenix wright | truth, † sam vimes | n/a, *abandoned

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