Yes, he is thinking that it's a good place for a date. Fffffffff. [INCOMPLETE]

Mar 25, 2009 00:53

WHO: Dick (Robin) and Layla
WHERE: Wherever
WHEN: March 24th, day
WHAT: Layla and Dick haven't talked since Dick was 18.
WARNING: None. Well apparently they're going to flirt. /flails

The City went to chaos and so Layla and Dick hadn't seen each other since after the age-swap when Dick had turned twelve again. And he wasn't even twelve anymore - which Layla had known. And Tim, apparently.

And then Batman had left and he'd gone back to living between the Cave and the Tower. He hadn't felt comfortable living with a Batman that wasn't his and his life going back to being without a Batman around simplified the matter of not caring about Batman too much.

In fact, he wasn't particularly hurt that he'd vanished and although he couldn't tell if it was because he was just starting to lack regular morality or if he just wasn't blurring lines and getting attached to any Batman ever, he chose to believe it was positive and so that it was because of that later explanation.

And so, now thirteen, Batman-less and thoroughly exhausted, Dick wandered in a small wood on the East side of the City, near a park. No one ever hanged out in the wood, sticking to where things were pretty and had benches to sit on, and so Dick liked to go there sometimes. There wasn't any snow anymore and it was easy to climb trees. When it'd be a little hotter, he could foresee himself going there to take naps and spend a lot of time just hanging from branches thirty feet above ground. And it was kind of beautiful and uh - well -

For now, it was a good place to expect Layla and wait for her.

dick grayson | batman, † layla miller | the mighty knowitall, *abandoned

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