Count the ways you want to fall--

Dec 31, 2011 22:07

WHO: Zevran Arainai (niceassassin) and anyone else who wants to tag in.
WHERE: Around the edges of the huge mass of people that is Times Square on New Year's Eve (before the antics in this log start!), and through the City in general.
WHEN: Earlier today.
WARNINGS: Nothing so far.
SUMMARY: Zevran thinks about what he's been doing with himself in the City and experiments with his powers; hopefully other characters show off whatever interesting appearances or dreams they have to said powers! Take a look here for details.
FORMAT: Prose to start with.

He makes a game of avoiding the police who come seeking him in the wake of Khisanth's mysterious escape from the Superjail.

This means not staying in one place for long, and certainly it means avoiding his apartment in the MAC. Zevran can do that. There are still safehouses left from when he worked for Mara Jade's smuggling operation, and he still has acquaintances willing to house him for a night if he keeps their bed warm--although his relations with them have grown cooler in the past few months. Throwing himself into other people's beds has become somehow less appealing ever since Jack Harkness admitted to needing him. Zevran tries not to dwell on just why that is.

It's not as if he needs to avoid the police, mind you. He freed the dragon, yes, but he made sure there was no concrete evidence of him doing so. As obvious as it is that he did it, he's still sure that he can lie his way out of punishment for the deed. (Though not out of consequences--the police will no doubt be suspicious of him from now forward no matter what he says. He accepts that. Khisanth is a friend, and those are rare enough in his life that they are worth putting himself at risk for.) No, he avoids the police because he needs practice at eluding people who seek him.

It's strange, but it feels like he's gone native lately. He's cared less about watching the network, ingratiating himself with other imPorts. He has more important things to do--a new job to find, and all sorts of new things to try (things that eat up his time before he knows it's gone, thieving things like that--movies, "video games," perhaps even books, though that's never been his sort of thing). More importantly, he has Jack; why does he need anything else? He has Jack, and he has a rare luxury to explore: a world that isn't out to kill him.

Even if it has been irritating fending off questions about Santa and the North Pole over the last month. There's a reason he's taken to wearing a hat that hides his ears.

But since Jack's return, a new question tugs at him. Zevran has Jack now, but he doesn't know how much longer that will last. This is almost a different Jack, and more importantly, one who loves someone else. What they have, it can't last. He was, he reflects, an utter fool to believe it could have lasted in the first place.

And with that realization, a restlessness is coming over him. He hasn't killed anyone or anything in months. (As much as anything, almost as much as friendship, that's why he took Khisanth out of her cell. Maybe he'll get a fight out of it.) That isn't like him, not at all. As charming as this world is, he isn't really meant for that kind of life, is he?

So as the days after this strange holiday of Christmas unwind, Zevran spends less time in the "normal" world that he's deluded himself with for the past few months, and more time weaving his way through the strange half-reality into which his 'Porter-granted powers take him. With his surroundings hazy and dream-like all around him, he picks his way through the City--preferring to watch from alleys and fire escapes, but occasionally venturing into the wider streets. As he understands it, it's the end of the year, and a party flows through the entire City, in and out of bars, clubs, and homes, concentrating on a great mass of people in the center of the City. He avoids that, skirting instead around its edges.

And he watches people. He's begun to notice that this power lets him see things about them that he wouldn't otherwise know. He's not sure what it means, but he intends to find out.

It's as good a way as any of distracting himself from the future he'll need to face soon.

zevran arainai | insert innuendo here, *open

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