Twas the Night Before Christmas...

Dec 23, 2011 18:02

WHO: Maggie (origamiguardian) and Sanji (notadartboard)
WHERE: Maggie's apartment at the MAC
WHEN: Late Christmas eve through very early Christmas morning
WARNINGS: Maggie being a moe derphead, possible evil toy violence
SUMMARY: Maggie's feeling sorry for herself because Christmas Eve, and Sanji comes over to cheer her up.
FORMAT: I will start in para but if Cap wants to switch to action-tag then we can do that

Maggie... was not handling this as well as she hoped. She should have taken Sofia up on her offer to do something, but she just felt wrong trying to plan anything for Christmas Eve.

And Christmas Eve was SO complicated. Maggie had only learned a few months ago--back in her own reality, at least--that her memories of the fated meeting she and her sisters celebrated on that day were false. And this, for her, was more or less the first Christmas after she learned of this. She wanted to be with her sisters, she wanted to celebrate something--and yet there was absolutely nothing to celebrate. She had distracted herself reading old Christmas stories, but tales of happy, unexpected family reunions were not cheering her up.

Quite the opposite in fact, and she began--in her odd, hiccuppy way--to cry, loudly enough that it could be heard through the door.

sanji | mr. prince, *complete, maggie mui | paper sister

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