Aug 12, 2011 20:41

WHO: Zelgadis and others just get in here ok
WHERE: A vacant lot all groomed and abused for sword&sorcery practice
WHEN: Next week...pick a day
SUMMARY: Magic and swords and spars and spectators and whatever else happens happens ok? ok
FORMAT: No (whatever you want)

good lord zel get a job )

cassandra cain | black bat, † squall leonhart | n/a, terra | esper terra, zelgadis | greywords, dr. franken stein | n/a, *open

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we don't need no stinkin timelines speedofnaked August 13 2011, 03:21:22 UTC
It wasn't hard to figure out where Zel was going every day. It was so inadvertently obvious, it never needed to be stated. And that was fine with Terra; it left her to follow her own habits in the meantime, catching up on a City that hod not stopped moving, growing, changing in their absence.

But for all that needed to be done, it didn't mean she couldn't drop in on the person she saw most frequently. She popped into that familiar lot with a practiced warp, landing seated atop one of the still-standing but much abused earthen pillars of Zelgadis's own creation.

The heels of her boots clunked dully against rock, but she made no overtures of greeting to catch his attention. She was content enough to watch, for the moment.


never inthirds August 13 2011, 13:10:55 UTC
He was determined to not break this sword. It was a different length and style for him compared to his long-dead one - thicker, too - but still in danger of chipping or shattering if he forgot to go easy on it. Which was as satisfying as it was annoying; exterior complaints aside, he enjoyed his strength, but having to be so mindful of it made it a bit of a headache.

So when Terra warped in, he was holding the sword up and at an angle, squinting at it with a scowl that reflected off the metal as he turned it, checking for nicks or chips from the work he'd done. For lack of sparring partners at the time, he took to the stone he could conjure, and it was already lying in a heap of rubble -- cleanly sliced, more than some of it.

He didn't even need to see her reflected back; he'd heard her with those sharp ears. Blinking, he turned around to have a better look, instantly relieved (gawking strangers was always weird).



speedofnaked August 14 2011, 00:14:07 UTC

It was hard to see her smile at that distance, but it pulled at her cheeks and pressed into her eyes all the same. Her hands were braced on the pillar, legs crossed at the ankle, and she made no immediate moves to leap down.


inthirds August 14 2011, 00:50:59 UTC
His head tilted as he looked at her, squinting. It was hard to see her face precisely, to be sure, so he stopped his inspection (well, one of them) and strode over, propping the sword on his shoulder. He smirked when the look on her face registered.

"What has you in a good mood?"


speedofnaked August 14 2011, 01:06:46 UTC
She shrugged, leaning forward a little on her perch. The sun was pleasantly warm today, and the chaos seemed to be dying down; Illidan had yet to make an appearance, none of her close friends seemed to have died or disappeared, and the coffee shop she visited that morning had been running at a discount.

What wasn't there to be in a good mood about?

"I don't know," she said, bracing her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands. It was a surprise she didn't simply topple down. "What do you think?"


inthirds August 14 2011, 01:41:05 UTC
He made a face, tilting his head down a little to peer up at her. The sun was to her back at that height, giving her a bright outline like a halo. Or...he thought so. The way it played off her hair, anyway.

"I don't know," he echoed. "Are you still going to make me guess?"


speedofnaked August 14 2011, 01:53:53 UTC
"I don't know," she parroted back, finding some amusement in the verbal game. "Do you think you'll get it?"

It was nice, having a silly, useless conversation like this. Not worrying about some dark or impending danger, or letting their interconnected insecurities dominate their interaction. They were hardly normal, but it was nice to pretend otherwise.


inthirds August 14 2011, 01:59:09 UTC
"No," he said almost automatically, shaking his head. "And then I'll be in trouble. So you should just tell me instead."


speedofnaked August 14 2011, 02:05:10 UTC
"Scoot back," she called down, and though she did not say why, her intentions were obvious. She straightened up a little, bracing her hands against the pillar, uncrossing her legs. In the short moment she pushed herself from her perch, arms held up near the cloak that billowed up behind her descent.

It was a short fall, and her shoes crunched against pulverized stone and gravel as her landing took her to one knee. She was still smiling when she stood up to her full, diminutive height.


inthirds August 14 2011, 02:14:01 UTC
Zelgadis did as he was told, head moving up and down, following her descent. One arm extended on impulse, though she needed no help of that sort. The smile was still adorable, obviously, but Zelgadis was beginning to wonder if she was hiding something after all. Something not bad, he figured, but all the same...He wanted to know, dammit.



speedofnaked August 14 2011, 03:13:46 UTC
She shrugged once again, brushing dirt off the one knee. "I don't know," she repeated, though with the teasing dropped out it sounded more honest. "I just... am. I'm not worried about anything."

Terra reached over to brush some dirt off his shoulder as well. "What about you?"


inthirds August 14 2011, 03:33:20 UTC
"Glad to hear that," and that much was true. "There's been enough to worry about as it is."


speedofnaked August 14 2011, 03:42:24 UTC
That much was true--between everything else going on in the City, there was usually no end of things to worry about--but it didn't stop her from giving him a a gently curious look. "Anything new?"


inthirds August 14 2011, 13:19:09 UTC
With his shrug, the blade tilted slightly; he glanced at it briefly. "Not entirely. I'm only trying to keep from rusting." Never mind the lack of anything better to do.


speedofnaked August 17 2011, 00:25:56 UTC
There was a tease on the end of her tongue, a glib you're made of metal now?, but Terra swallowed it back before it could escape. She didn't want him to feel insulted.

Her attention moved to the blade. "Wouldn't it be easier with someone to fight against?" she asked, curious.


inthirds August 17 2011, 02:37:19 UTC
"Yeah," he conceded, a bit dry. "But no one's been around, and Cassandra's out of town."

He tilted his head; some of his hair lightly scraped at the blade as he did so. "You offering?" He hadn't seen her pick up a sword in a while, and definitely wasn't sure if the fight was still in her much after...well, a lot of things. He could certainly see why she'd refuse, at least.


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