Jul 24, 2011 03:27

WHO: purmoncul and disillusionists (whoa I sound like Kanaya...) Oh, and Buckbeak.
WHERE: Srs's old warehouse
WARNINGS: Sirius may employ "logic."
SUMMARY: Having discovered a wizard nosing around her affairs, Rose Lalonde takes the initiative to investigate right back.

But the night is fair,
And everywhere
A warm, soft vapor fills the air,
And distant sounds seem near;

And above, in the light
Of the star-lit night,
Swift birds of passage wing their flight
Through the dewy atmosphere.

† sirius black | padfoot, rose lalonde | seer of light

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disillusionists July 24 2011, 07:42:33 UTC
It had taken a while for her to get over the fact that she had spoken with Sirius Black. Sure, she knew that there were wizards from Harry Potter in the City, but she, for the most part, had paid no mind to them because they did the same to her. However, the fact that she had spoken to Sirius and the fact that he had invited her for a discussion, that was too good to pass up. She didn't normally have fangirl moments, but she did believe she was allowed at least one.

Nonetheless, she arrived right on the dot, landing with pink scarves twisting around before, grimdark aura streaking through the sky and announcing her entrance. She paused at the door, opening it and stopping when she saw the hippogriff. Not quite how the movies had envisioned it, it but he was still a magnificent creature. She stood in there in marvel for a moment before stepping inside, making sure her translator was in her ear.


She said after a moment, keeping her distance from the beast. While she knew her manners, she wasn't quite sure how Buckbeat would react to... her.


purmoncul July 24 2011, 18:44:40 UTC
She is greeted with a scene half-frozen, half a blur of wings and talons. Sirius is staring with wide eyes at the door, every sense he had reacting to the feel of her power. Distracted, he'd dropped the fat rabbit he was teasing Buckbeak with, allowing the hippogriff to snatch it at last. Folding his massive wings, Buckbeak is thoroughly distracted for the moment by tearing apart and devouring his prize.

Priorities, you know.

Sirius, however, has awarded her his full attention. "Th-"

...Had Sirius still been a kid, he would have launched directly into a million impertinent questions, but his development isn't quite as arrested as all that. Standing, he keeps his wand in his hand, but lowered, his other hand coming to rest atop it.

"Sweet Circe, Ms Lalonde, you certainly know how to announce your coming."

The hastily-aborted 'that was you?!' is still there in the mildly-alarmed smile on his face. Sirius may have more tact now, but he's still not the subtlest wizard who ever waved a wand.


disillusionists July 24 2011, 19:31:34 UTC
Buckbeak had her attention for the moment, watching the creature tear into the carcass. While she was quite aware of what kind of impression she made and the reaction people tended to get around her, she felt it was easier just to marvel at the large, magnificent beast instead of having to acknowledge it. After a moment, Rose turned large, glowing eyes towards Siruis, smiling a little.

"I like to make an entrance."

She touched the translator in her ear, the Eldritch words still prominent on her lips before picking up her skirts and curtsying at him, her tentacle-like aura curling around her. "I hope that didn't upset yourself or Buckbeack." She gestured towards the hippogriff aimlessly, before stepping further into the warehouse, the toes of her feet skimming the floors.

"I can't quite turn it off."


purmoncul July 24 2011, 20:08:01 UTC
More unsettled than he cared to show, Sirius nods in acknowledgement. His eyes stayed on Rose, however, and he walks forward with slow caution. The hippogriff and the trolls could wait for just a moment. What had happened to this girl?

"I've sensed you, out in the city. Is it the 'Porter's doing- ah, forgive me. This could be perfectly natural on your world." He searches her face with worried grey eyes for signs of distress, of pain, under the calm disaffection. Many forms of magic that affect the mind are subtle, but there are signs of ensorcellment, if you know what to look for.

Buckbeak, for his part, was clearly not alarmed enough by Rose's mere presence to react strongly. How he would feel about her coming closer remained to be seen.


disillusionists July 24 2011, 20:12:40 UTC

She shook her head, tucking white locks behind her ear. She attempted reassuring in her tone, but it was rather hard when her default way of speaking was "dry" and "sarcastic". Well, she couldn't say she didn't try, at the very least. She didn't move as he moved forward, keeping her position as harmless as she could.

"I was like this in my world. It's one of the side-effects of going grimdark, I'm afraid."

Rose brought her hands up, letting the dark resonance climb from her palms, twisting and whip-like. "I don't think it's quite natural, but it's not horrible. I don't mind it." Another smile, but with the glowing eyes and the grey skin, it wasn't very innocent.


purmoncul July 25 2011, 03:18:23 UTC
"Grimdark. There's a word for it." Slowly, ready to stop the instant she moved away, Sirius reached out to brush a finger against one of the tentacles.

It was unlike anything he'd felt before, and it was cold.

"It certainly is powerful." She seems alright, though, and this is probably making her uncomfortable. Best to back off... for now. "Perhaps someday we can talk more about that, but I know this isn't what you came here to discuss."

Turning, Sirius leads her further into the warehouse. Buckbeak looks over and gets to his feet with a sudden motion, trotting forward ruff and wings half-flared.

"Just give him a low bow, and we'll see what he does."


disillusionists July 25 2011, 03:26:33 UTC
"I don't mind talking about whatever you'd like." She murmured after a moment, watching him reach out to brush a hand against her curling aura. She wasn't quite sure how it felt to anyone else, since she felt normal. It really didn't imbue much change within her, but that was obvious. Nonetheless, Rose followed him deeper into the warehouse, keeping bright, glowing eyes wide and vigilant, for lack of a better word.

When they approached Buckbeak, her smile widened and she looked almost delighted. Well, as much as she could. Unique and monstrous creatures had always been a passion of hers.

She could recall quite well, how it went down in the third book with the hippogriffs. But she wasn't a moron like some pompous jerks, she made sure to keep her stare steady with Buckbeak's, the small smile still on painted lips, as she leaned forward in a low bow. She wasn't afraid to show him the back of her neck, but she wasn't quite willing to get into a fight with him. That probably wouldn't go over well. After a few moments, Rose straightened and stepped back, waiting expectantly.


purmoncul July 26 2011, 12:46:47 UTC
It might have been her aura, but as she rises, Buckbeak spreads his wings and gives an startled cry. Sirius is right next to her, though, his hand going to her shoulder as he makes a low sound, half warning, half soothing. The sound you might make to a dog startled at lightning, or a spooked horse.

He gets a half-whistled 'qwork' for his efforts, and then Buckbeak bends his knee.

"Melodramatic old nag," Sirius mutters at the hippogriff, not without fondness. "You did it right, the trick is to stay low until the hippogriff's done with you next time."

The beast trots forward for a less formal greeting


disillusionists July 27 2011, 03:00:53 UTC
Rose doesn't move when Buckbeak reacted, just arching an eyebrow at the scene he was making. She couldn't say that she wasn't surprised by the antics, but it was a little unfortunate that she was getting such a reply, even if he did eventually, get to his knees.

"I'll remember that."

She murmured in reply, almost tentatively approaching the animal. She looked over at Sirius for a moment, before adding: "I am allowed to pet him now, yes?"

However, she didn't wait for an answer, instead stepping to the tips of her toes and bringing a hand upwards to rub it against Buckbeak's -- well -- beak.


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