May 25, 2011 02:39

WHO: Buffy Summers + ???
WHERE: The cemetery obvs.
WHEN: RN, son.
WARNINGS: Violence towards inanimate objects. If you want to fight Buffy that's cool too.
SUMMARY: They see me patrollin' idk. Basically Buffy is going to walk in circles until someone/something appears in the tall grass.
FORMAT: words. if you prefer commentspam I'll follow along!

Though, rationally, she knows this cemetery is nothing like Sunnydale, it still brings her a sense of comfort to walk the perimeter. Or perhaps comfort isn't the word. She hasn't felt this restless since .. well, ever. There aren't any vampires crawling from their graves for the first time, or demons waiting to accost her from behind the mausoleum, but what else could she do? This is pretty much her whole résumé, walking around in the dark waiting for something to go bump. If that means being eternally bored then so be it; when the alternative is sleep, she'll take it.

"Anything evil out there?" she asks the darkness with an unmistakable note of hope in her voice, heaving a sigh. "I promise I won't hurt you... for long." Nothing. She had expected it and still, it's eerie. That weird silence not even crickets inhabit. Though the City had first offered her a vacation of sorts from all the responsibility and awful things her life had brought with her resurrection, now it just seemed redundant. She's as useless here as she was back home.

† bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, † pam beesley-halpert | pamalamadingdong, † aaron grey | n/a, zatanna zatara | zatanna, † billy kaplan | wiccan, *open, † mew | n/a, † buffy summers | the slayer

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