There's only two ways this could end [closed]

Mar 27, 2011 00:09

WHO: Miho and Heine
WARNINGS: This is going to be either violent or ridiculous or both... I don't really know which yet...
SUMMARY: Two incredibly violent people who are kind of friend (?) get together to do things.
FORMAT:quicklog of varying lengths

[All reports to the contrary, Miho was still a little upset that Jason was gone.  If only because the refridgerators in the safe houses were starting to get rather distressingly low on sandwiches and the bed wasn't nearly as comfortable anymore.

So, rather than sitting around and moping, Miho decided to be productive.  And then after she had washed all the blood off the sword and changed her socks, Miho decided to call in on Heine.  Of course, first she had to find him and that was proving to be something of a process...   Which church did he live in again?]

† heine rammsteiner | the dog, † miho | n/a

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