reluctantlegend and
wrong_sometimesWHERE: The apartment.
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday, December 11th, afternoon and later Sunday, December 12th night.
WARNINGS: Cassie's temper.
SUMMARY: Josh has something to tell Cassie. She's not amused, runs away, and eventually... comes back.
FORMAT: Whateveriloqy
Cassie was starting to feel like she had a home again. Like she belonged. It scared the hell out of her. )
Comments 98
Either of them could easily be snatched on the way to or from the apartment and while Josh liked to think he could take care of himself, he knew if someone as deranged as the Joker wanted to kidnap him, he probably would find away.
But she wouldn't drop it. And despite how much Josh actually really like having Cassie here, he had to be honest with her about it.
"We need to talk," he said. That sounded so stupid saying it like that. "It's about Scatty. She won't- she won't stop hunting him. I've begged and begged her, but she won't. She swears she'll protect both of us, but she won't give up hunting him. I'm sorry."
She even considered staying at Josh's school, but that was a school and she wasn't into that. She wanted something more normal, but she wasn't ready for that much normal. So here she was, skulking and debating if she really wanted to go in, or start looking for other options.
She hated her life right now.
He was worried about her, half torn between going out and looking for her and being pissed that she left in the first place. He knew she was far more resourceful and capable than most people twice her age, but that didn't mean something couldn't happen to her.
Even meditating in the dojo hadn't helped him at all. Sighing, Josh pulled out his phone and dialed Cassie's number. It rang once before he got too nervous and hung up. He summoned up his courage and called again, only to hang up after another ring.
Finally he just settled on a simple, 'hope you're okay' text.
She almost answered the second time, but it only rang once. Reading the text, she almost shoved the phone back in her pocket. Instead she decided to call him back. What the hell right? At least she could find out if he'd seen her. Feel out the sitch.
The phone rang and she started to reconsider.
"Hey, this is Josh," he said.
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