She says love is not what she's after, but everybody knows.

Oct 22, 2010 02:27

WHO: Laurie Juspeczyk & Aaron Grey
WHERE: The police station and then on to a diner for coffee
WHEN: Friday after work
WARNINGS: Awkwardness aplenty
SUMMARY: Laurie and Aaron go out for coffee and try not to be awkward at all.
FORMAT: Para to start but whatever you like is fine :)

Each time she looks in the mirror well, she lets her feelings show. )

† aaron grey | n/a, † laurie juspeczyk | silk spectre ii

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grey1911 October 22 2010, 16:25:52 UTC
At his desk, Aaron was just pushing his chair in, his coat folded over his arm as it always was when he walked around with it. He was certainly a predictable creature of habit as he fixed his glasses and looked up, shrugging his jacket on nonchalantly. His standard, subdued smile traced on his face as he caught sight of Laurie, and he started toward her, hands in his pockets. Perhaps he'd been working in his own precinct too long and still had certain habits, he hadn't even considered what Laurie's mother might make of all this.


latexspectre October 22 2010, 20:19:54 UTC
"Hi, Aaron," Laurie smiled at him, barely resisting the urge to peek back over her shoulder. She was slightly on edge, sure, but she could pretty much contain herself. In fact, once she mentally reminded herself to relax, she found it was easier and easier to just go with the flow. After all, what did it matter if Sally butted in. Laurie didn't have to explain anything to anyone. She never had felt the need to justify herself to Sally, so why start now? "We're still on for coffee, right?"


grey1911 October 22 2010, 21:15:26 UTC
"Of course." He politely motioned with a hand toward the elevator, waiting for her to start before walking with her. "Though the coffee is on me; it's the least I can do."


latexspectre October 23 2010, 06:58:24 UTC
She shoved her hands in her pockets, holding the elevator door for him. With each passing moment, she felt her confidence returning. Really, it was silly to be antsy in the first place. After all, it was just Aaron. "Well, if you insist... I guess I could let you buy."


grey1911 October 23 2010, 13:49:39 UTC
"I do insist." He pressed the button for the ground floor, standing rigidly, yet looking calm as he watched their warped reflections in the mirrored metal of the elevator door. His senses were always on alert, and he could hear her heartbeat, especially in the confined space. "It's been quite some time since I actually had a good cup of coffee. My usual is either what we have here, or the closest shop while on beat."


latexspectre October 24 2010, 06:45:56 UTC
"Well, the diner I know makes excellent coffee. And it isn't too far, just a few blocks. Much better than break room coffee anyway." Laurie tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, eying their reflections in the elevator with an easy smile. "It'll be a nice way to celebrate both of us being back on the job, you know?"


grey1911 October 24 2010, 16:35:16 UTC
"That it will." To be honest, he was far more relieved, and glad to be back at work than he was willing to let on. Confinement behind a glass pane had been an extremely unpleasant experience. When the elevator comes to a stop, he lets her exit first. "After you."


latexspectre October 24 2010, 21:45:06 UTC
Laurie stepped out of the elevator, fishing in her purse for a cigarette as they headed through the lobby and for the door. She'd been a smoker back home, but it seemed that she'd been doing a lot more of it since her arrival. It was probably due to all the stress.

She held the door for Aaron, offering him a smoke too, "You want one? I've been itching for one all afternoon." She paused, looking slightly sheepish. "Eh, you don't mind, right?"


grey1911 October 24 2010, 22:02:57 UTC
"No thank you." He stepped out into the waning daylight as she held the door for him. "I don't mind at all." Everyone else around him back home seemed to chain smoke religiously, the smell was the last thing that would bother him.


latexspectre October 24 2010, 22:44:53 UTC
She didn't need any further permission than that, lighting her cigarette as soon as they'd cleared the required distance from the door. She would of course be sure to keep the smoke away from Aaron.

"Just a couple blocks this way," Laurie pointed down the block, heels of her boots clicking on the pavement as they walked.


grey1911 October 24 2010, 22:51:06 UTC
Even if the breeze does catch his direction occasionally, he doesn't mind. He strolls alongside her, hands still in his pockets and looking still very much like an investigator. He may only be in a blazer and coat, but he never seems to lose the aura of a cop. Even so, he smiles slightly as he turns to glance over at her.

"I do believe a congratulations is in order. I heard you've been promoted to a full-time officer."


latexspectre October 24 2010, 23:11:46 UTC
"You heard about that?" Laurie chuckled, trying not to look too embarrassed. It was true, the last few weeks had been eventful, even without that encounter with Rorschach in her apartment. She was a full-fledged member of the police force now, even if she was just a rookie. It gave her a lot of pride, it made her feel incredible. "Thank you. It's been official since I came back from medical leave. I can't believe it, really. I never imagined myself as a cop."


grey1911 October 24 2010, 23:26:09 UTC
"I never figured myself as an officer when I first started, but I wouldn't have it any other way now." He gave his thin-lipped smile, as he avoided a stopped couple on the sidewalk.


latexspectre October 25 2010, 03:52:17 UTC
"Well, if it's any consolation, I can't picture you as anything other than a police officer." She smiled brightly, taking a particularly long drag of her cigarette as she stepped aside to let him dodge the couple. She didn't mean to sound overtly flirtatious, but the tone was apparent in her voice. "You're a good cop, Aaron. You're how we all should be."


grey1911 October 25 2010, 04:13:20 UTC
"I try." He glances down at the ground, flattered, and appreciative of the compliment. "I'm far from ideal, but there are certain things I've had time to practice." After all, he's had plenty of just that. "Much of it you'll pick up too, faster than I did I imagine."


latexspectre October 25 2010, 04:41:09 UTC
Laurie wasn't so sure of that. She was catching on to some aspects of the job more quickly than others, and she couldn't help but worry that the other officers would think her addition to the force was a mistake. But she was giving it her all, and really working for the first time in her life. "I just hope I won't let everybody down."

She stopped at the corner, waiting for the lights to change so they could cross the street and get to the diner. Back home, she would have just sprinted across, jaywalked, but with Aaron there, it seemed unnecessary.


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