She says love is not what she's after, but everybody knows.

Oct 22, 2010 02:27

WHO: Laurie Juspeczyk & Aaron Grey
WHERE: The police station and then on to a diner for coffee
WHEN: Friday after work
WARNINGS: Awkwardness aplenty
SUMMARY: Laurie and Aaron go out for coffee and try not to be awkward at all.
FORMAT: Para to start but whatever you like is fine :)

The last few weeks had seen an adjustment in Laurie's habits and outlook on life.  She wouldn't necessarily say that the relaxed, careless Laurie was gone forever, but the break in and broken arm had certainly shattered her sense of security in this world.  She felt weak, powerless, and genuinely ineffective, and it was only after Helena had arranged for Bakura to heal her arm and given her a pep talk or seven that she actually felt like what had happened wasn't her fault.  Her rage was more focused now, she was determined to become stronger in all aspects of her life.  She was working out more, and she'd arranged to take more intensive firearms courses.  She would be prepared the next time someone tried to grab her from behind.  She would live up to her heroic potential, and she wouldn't look back.

She was settling into her role as a police officer, and with every passing day she felt like she could better perform her duties.  It gave her a sense of purpose and it was fulfilling, and to her own surprise, she found she genuinely enjoyed police work.  For the first time in her life she was using her mind.  All the logical thinking that was required was new to her, and difficult to get used to, but it was worth the challenge.  She felt intelligent, like she was adding to the team and doing real, actual good for the City.  To say it bolstered her confidence was really an understatement.

Now though, all of that confidence was gone, replaced by the anxious nerves that generally were found in school girls and not in thirty-five year old women.  She and Aaron had plans for after work.  Coffee.  Coffee at the diner.  Just two coworkers getting a cup of joe after a long day.  Innocent enough, right?  Innocent enough that Laurie was taking great pains to sneak around the station to find Aaron, hoping beyond hope that her mother wouldn't pop up out of nowhere and butt in and start up a game of twenty questions.  Shrugging on her jacket, she headed for Aaron's desk, glancing over her shoulder to be sure Sally wasn't watching, wondering briefly if she shouldn't have stepped out for a cigarette first to try to quash her sudden burst of nerves. 

† aaron grey | n/a, † laurie juspeczyk | silk spectre ii

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