
Sep 03, 2010 22:49

WHO: Jessie and James Bond (or...Jessie James because pfffft)
WHERE: Wherever Bond ends up taking her, but it starts at the MAC.
WHEN: Saturday, late afternoon
WARNINGS: Bond. But also, Toy Story, which automatically hopefully negates the Bond warning.
SUMMARY: Bond has offered to take Jessie on a tour of the City. Jessie is too oblivious and naive to ( Read more... )

† jessie | the yodeling cowgirl, james bond | 007

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doubleoohbaby September 4 2010, 12:21:57 UTC
James has been around the City long enough to know not to expect anything on these sort of 'dates', just from the sheer amount of entirely clueless and bashful women he's taken out. Unless they're dripping with innuendo and adoration over the comms for him, he tends not to hold his hopes too high. But, as surprising as it may sound from Bond, he does care how the night unfolds and if he goes home alone. It beats doing nothing.

Naturally he's dressed for the occasion, nicely tailor navy suit and tie that he seems to wear comfortably, nothing too smart, but nice enough for an afternoon and evening out.

By the time he shows up at the MAC, he's just at the time he said he would be, so it's a casual stroll that takes him up the floors to the room he's after and finding it without much difficult. Door is knocked on and James waits, empty handed because flowers are so painfully cliché, but surely a date with him is enough of a good thing.

Worryingly, he doesn't actually know what to expect of this Jessie he's meeting, buuuut it's all a bit of fun.


whensheloved September 4 2010, 16:06:23 UTC
As soon as Jess hears the knock on the door, she jumps into action, tearing her eyes away from the window. She adjusts her hat, inhales as she puts on a smile for this stranger, and opens the door. And when I say opens the door, I mean she whips open the door.

James was probably expecting someone in a cowgirl get up, after all, Jessie had told him this. So he shouldn't be too surprised to see a tall cowgirl dressed outrageously to the nines in cowgirl gear...right?

She tips her hat politely, giving him a quick one over. Somehow she expected him...taller. Instead she was pretty much staring at him face-to-face, but Jess wasn't one to judge someone for their height. His outfit also caught her eye, but that only makes her grin wider, and she puts out a hand to shake.

"Well lookit you, dressed all ace-high like that." And if he shakes her hand, he'll find her grip to be a little too tight, and her shake a little too excited. "Nice t' finally meet you in the flesh, James!"


doubleoohbaby September 5 2010, 00:36:51 UTC
Very little could prepare James for the sight when the door is swung open, but thanks to many, many years of training and a general stoic attitude, he keeps a straight face and doesn't appear in the least bit surprised by any of this. He's as cool as ice, despite a nutso cowgirl shaking his hand vigorously.

"Likewise, Ms. Jessie. A pleasure, I must say."

If by pleasure, he means 'a totally surreal experience' then sure, it is. But this is good. James likes unusual. It keeps him entertained and results in something different from the painfully repetitive dates he has with the super model types. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

"Shall we?" An arm is offered with epic gentlemanliness.


whensheloved September 5 2010, 02:21:50 UTC
She waves away the 'Ms.' with a rather ragdoll-esque flick of the hand, laughing as though he told some sort of hilarious joke. "Oh please, no need for the Miss. Just Jessie'll do." She unclasps her hand from his hand, and once again fixes her hat, half wondering if she should keep it on or take it off, remembering how most folks react to her outfit.

Aw heck, a cowgirl without a hat isn't much of a cowgirl at all.

She looks at his arm, an eyebrow arched as she tries to put something together, but a second later she grins, sliding a slim arm around his. And hey, what girl didn't like a gentleman? Sure, it was a little odd to be walking arm in arm during an adventure, but physical contact for a toy like her was always welcomed. "I reckon we shall! Lead the way, pardner!"


doubleoohbaby September 6 2010, 00:04:51 UTC
And lead the way he does! Though for now it's just a case of getting out of the MAC then casually strolling the street and totally ignoring the stares that are either resulting from 'OMFG IT'S JAMES BOND/DANIEL CRAIG!!!1' or 'wtf is that lady wearing?!' or perhaps a combination of both. He's used to being stared at these days so ignoring is easy.

"I figure we have a few hours before sunset so perhaps we should try for some of the exploration now and save the food for when it's dark. What do you think?" It's not as if he's without a plan, but he likes to check that he's doing the right thing.


whensheloved September 6 2010, 00:36:14 UTC
It was definitely a combination of both. Jessie's pretty well-accustomed to the stares as well, though they still make her uneasy considering it's still instinctual for her to freeze up as soon as a human makes eye contact with her.

She's used spontaneity, and didn't really expect there to be a plan. In fact, she wasn't expecting there to be food involved but hey, she wasn't going to turn down a potentially delicious meal. Eating was such a thrilling experience for the doll whenever she discovered a new flavour or taste.

"That's a great idea," her voice is full of enthusiasm, and she's probably starting to walk faster than comfortable for two people walking arm-in-arm. "Where're we gonna go? Oooh, is there a zoo around here? I sure as heck do love my critters!"

A pause, her walk is getting faster and her voice a bit higher, "Or anythin'll do really. After all, what's the fun of explorin' if I know where you're gonna take me."


doubleoohbaby September 6 2010, 00:55:38 UTC
James hasn't even really thought about this whole toy thing in much detail. He'd rather not break his brain too much before the nights even through, but sure, he's vaguely aware of Pixar and Disney stuff so he gets the idea.

"The zoo? You want to go to the zoo?" There's a slight tone of disbelief, because James is more used to romantic walks through Central Park, expensive meals and then back home for sexy times, buuuut then he supposes this night is going to be different right from the start. And if she was a toy... well... she probably didn't get out much soooo...

"Alright. Want to call us a taxi? Wave at the next yellow car you see."


whensheloved September 6 2010, 01:15:23 UTC
"Sure do!" She gives him an innocent grin, nodding her head. It's not that Jessie wasn't a romantic, and she's not oblivious. But the idea of a date was still rather foreign to her. Sure, she had heard Emily talk about it countless times during her stay under the bed, but Jessie herself had never been on one before. Nor has anyone ever taken her out before.

Oh the woes of living in a Pixar world where the women wear the pants and the men have no idea how to talk to a lady without stumbling over their words.

At the suggestion of hailing a taxi, Jessie immediately jumps into action, giving James a little salute followed with a "You got it, pardner" and she unclasps her arm from his, walking to the edge of the sidewalk.

She spots a yellow car heading down the street, and she lifts the hat from her head, waving it around rather comically to get it to stop. When it doesn't look like the car's going to slow down, she frowns, placing the hat on her head and she takes another bold step out...right in the middle of the lane, which causes the taxi to skid to a stop, nearly hitting her. Jess gives a satisfied look at the annoyed driver, leans a hand on the hood of the car and tweaks the rim of her hat.

"Easier than roundin' up cattle," she motions to the taxi, "After you!" She'll follow James in the taxi soon after.


doubleoohbaby September 6 2010, 21:32:24 UTC
"You only ne--" ...


Wait wait wait. Why is she stepping out into the road? Has no one taught her about road safety? James isn't keen on scraping his date off the road, because that'd be a pretty lame end to an evening. He'd go an do a gallant rescue and all but it all happens so quick that instead he's left watching as the taxi skids to a heavy halt, leaving James to just flinch mildly at the sight.

Oh well, at least it stopped.

"Thank you." So, after she's gestured for him to get in, he's providing her with a smile and casually slipping into the back seat, behind a panicked and mildly pissed off cabbie, who James tells to get them to the zoo, quick as he can, thank you.

"You certainly know how to stop traffic," he eventually says, and that's not even a bad chat up line. Or maybe it just slightly is.


whensheloved September 6 2010, 22:01:53 UTC
Jessie slides in next to him, looking as chipper as ever. It was like her nearly getting hit by a taxi never happened, and she perkily rests her hands on her knees, grinning at the driver who's probably giving her dirty looks as he drives the duo to their destination.

She directs her grin to James now, laughing like any good audience should at his comment. "I reckon I do. Would you believe that's the first time I ever got to stop a taxi, though?" She bounces a little in her seat.

"First time I ever got to ride in one, too." She's just walked around the city up until now.


doubleoohbaby September 7 2010, 16:16:27 UTC
Normally, now would be the time for Bond to be casually slinging his arm around her or schmoozing in the back seat, but right now he's thinking he might be best to leave it and keep with the pleasant conversation and pretend he is totally interested in everything she says.

"First time? Really now. You stopped it like a pro," he retorts and there may be just a bit of sarcasm to that but it's well meant.

"Sounds like there's a lot you still need to experience in this city."


whensheloved September 7 2010, 19:19:06 UTC
Well of course. Everything Jessie has to say is interesting. She detects the small bit of sarcasm, but despite a flicker of emotion she keeps up with her cheerful attitude.

"Like I said, it was easy," she gives him another limp-wristed wave, "Nothin' I couldn't handle."

She leans back in her seat, hands still resting on her knees. "You got that right, pardner. I used to live in a city, but I never really went outside much. A city's no place for a toy, after all. And this place sure is big, even when I'm a human."


doubleoohbaby September 7 2010, 22:00:42 UTC
"So you're an actual toy. The whole coming alive when people aren't about shtick?" A pause, a thoughtful frown and then, "Almost makes one feel guilty over their own toys fates."

Yes, hard as it is to imagine, even James was a kid once and even he had favourite toys. He's never really been the sentimental sort though and that's been the same throughout his life.


whensheloved September 7 2010, 22:33:45 UTC
She nods her head, though as vigorously as before. "That's why we usually keep it a secret, so kids know to move on..." Her voice trails off, and despite sitting in the back seat of a taxi, she pulls her knees up to her chest and she looks out the window for a second. Just because a part of her was over Emily, doesn't mean she was entirely over it.

Jess shrugs though, and turns back to James, smiling as though that moment of quiet thoughtfulness never happened. "You had any toys of your own when you were a kid?"


doubleoohbaby September 7 2010, 23:07:29 UTC
"Makes sense, I suppose," he decides with a slow nod, careful of his wording considering her change in mood all of a sudden. Clearly it's a touchy subject that he shouldn't delve into too far. But at least he's got her question to fall back on.

"A few. Mostly army men and the like." And a big, pink, fluffy pony and lots of Barbies.


whensheloved September 7 2010, 23:37:21 UTC
"I would've kept up the act here too, but this place...it's different, I guess." That, and the secret was already out by the time she arrived. Thanks Woody.

Her expression brightens up even more at the mention of the army guys. "Y'mean the green ones that come in that big ol' bucket? Those fellas are great, 'least the ones I know."


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