WHO: Peter and Pietro
WHERE: The City
WHEN: Sometime in the near present
WARNINGS: Likely none
SUMMARY: Peter can't believe everything he's hearing about M-Day. So he's going to the person closest to the source he can get to.
Everything is better and worse at the same time. )
"That wasn't the true problem in the end, however. Somehow, a few of the Avengers managed to regain their memories. They were angry, of course. Assumed my father had used his mentally ill daughter in one last attempt to seize power. They stormed the proverbial castle, but he had no idea why they were attacking. Eventually, someone with memory and precognitive abilities took care of that and he realized that I was the one to ask her to do it. He flew into a rage and the last thing that I am definitely aware of from that world was a sheet of metal flying at me and Wanda shouting. I believe he killed me in there." The cynicism turns almost thoughtful. It's true that while Pietro had a pretty good idea of what followed, the details of everything after his assumed death in Wanda's pocket universe are someone muddled.
"I woke up on a street in New York's lower east side later that day, completely powerless."
"So," he offers, hopefully, "if memories were able to be regained in spite of Wanda's warping of reality, does it not stand to reason that those who have lost their mutancy could eventually regain it as well?"
"Is there no hope for Wanda to come forward and reverse this damage herself?"
"She simply vanished, then, after decimating mutantkind."
He ignores Pietro's notoriously brusque manner, still respectful as he asks the next question.
"Are you certain that her last action was not also a suicide?"
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