
Jun 02, 2010 20:33

WHO: battothefuture and sorcerously
WHERE: In the dark, unwatched corners of the City. Okay actually it's just outside of a jewelry store some time when it's dark out SAME DIFFERENCE.
WHEN: June 2! After dark... some time.... Let's say 9/10 o'clock I guess.
SUMMARY: Terry and Gemma v 2.0!
FORMAT: Whatever we feel like.

A superstitious cowardly lot! )

† terry mcginnis | batman, gemma doyle | n/a

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well that's always good I personally have been at work/asleep the past few days orz battothefuture June 7 2010, 05:59:14 UTC
[Terry is more than usually distracted, because lo and behold, there is a girl walking around the corner - and she is glowing.

A second after she starts swearing, he recognizes her, and swears himself.]


Hey you! Get out of here!

[One of the thieves is already moving towards her, and Terry vaults off the light, flipping to land on his feet right in front of him - between her and... Gemma, that was her name.]

Hey buddy, you've already got company. You don't need to pull more people in.

[The guy decides to take a swing - sometimes Terry really missed home, where the legend of Batman struck terror into the hearts of most criminals by now - and Terry dodges, then punches back. Hard. The guy is knocked back into a brick wall. Terry kept his eyes on the gang - unlike Bruce, he didn't consider that Gemma might also be a threat. But he knew the girl. She wouldn't attack him. Didn't even cross his mind. Instead he growled a message back without turning to look at her as he pulls out a batarang. Bruce would doubtless be disappointed.]

It would probably be better for you to get out of here.


sounds funnnn sorcerously June 7 2010, 10:35:42 UTC
[She couldn't even really think comprehend what was going on until she heard the thwak of his fist against the thief's jaw. Then she let out a gasp, quickly raising her hands to cover her mouth. It wasn't that she was overly scared; no, she was really just shocked at the punch itself. She had clocked Thomas once, yes, but that had been necessary; she wasn't used to seeing such physical blows in public.

Her mind clears after just a moment, though, and she recognizes the Batman-who-isn't-a-bat in front of her. And at his warning, her pride stirs, and she inclines her chin just a bit.]

I'd rather not.

[Anger has set in now; how dare these men busy the Batman and interrupt her lost wanderings. So she raises one arm, points at one of the criminals, blinks once. The man's eyes go wide and he falls to the ground, arms pressed close to his sides; it looks like he's tied up. And that's because, in the illusion she cast, he is.]


the most fun battothefuture June 7 2010, 14:53:20 UTC
[Terry almost doubletakes as ropes appear and one of the guys falls to the ground - then he remembers. Oh. Well. So these illusions or constructs or whatever they are are physical.]

How long can you hold that?


sorcerously June 7 2010, 18:58:33 UTC
[Shrugs. It isn't that hard, really; it isn't as if she's battling a superior will or anything. He's really too shocked to do anything much.]

A few hours, I believe.


battothefuture June 9 2010, 18:57:40 UTC
[He spends a further moment looking at her. Interesting. He was learning more about her powers. He hadn't known all that much before, not really.]

You sure about that?


sorcerously June 10 2010, 13:41:07 UTC
[And she isn't too keen about making them so public, but she feels like she can... trust him, oddly enough.]



alsdfk yoooooou need to start poking me more when i don't tag i'm sorry i forgot about this battothefuture June 21 2010, 04:14:57 UTC
[He ties up a few himself with a bat grapple, then hoists them up.]

Handy. How much do you know about it, though? Because if you've got a limit on how many people you can focus on or something, it might be a good idea to stop wandering so much.


fjdisaf sorrrrrryyyyy i forgot too ): sorcerously June 21 2010, 17:51:32 UTC
[Is slightly offended, but not enough to bicker about the point. She just shrugs.]

I know enough about it. [Small smile.] And I'm afraid wandering is in my blood.


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