[ text; strikes = deleted ]

Jun 12, 2009 01:12


I think --

No, no. I believe --

No, not even then.

I say that enough is enough is too, too much. Your vanities betray you, City, and in this meaningless frivolity the truth of matters comes too soon for those with naught but blood on their hands.

How do you sleep at night, Heroes? In terror, waiting for the dawn to come, I bet How do you sleep at night? Are there medicines you are perusing behind our backs? Or are you simply so safe as think Self innocent before Id and Ego?


No matter. What I'm saying here, children; what. I. am. saying: is that this farce you consider to be "heroism" is a disguise best left hung up in the back of your closets. Like capes and Masks for Halloween. Which are simply another way for you to hide who and what you are from the world, aren't they? These little -- these tiny tiny people hiding behind dramatis personae so much bigger than who they are, and it's all for nothing. Who are they but men and women hiding behind masks? And I, a pauper for believing them to be Atlas. For emptying the belfry.

Whatever you might be so inclined to believe, even dogs are still bound to etiquette.

jonathan crane | scarecrow

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