Some time we've had lately, new friends. Riots, people acting out of sorts, the black sheep of the home universe family coming out of the woodwork. A good old fashioned holiday season, just like mom used to make. How's everybody doing? Anyway, I've got a story for you.
In Yoruba mythology they have this guy named Eshu. In Vodou he's called Legba. Got a lot of other names too. So this Eshu guy, he's like the Beat God. Wanders around a lot, burns through a lot of sneakers. Gets up to mischief. Probably knows exactly how many roads a man must walk down. Anyway, one such road passes through a village, as roads sometimes like to do. Eshu takes his hat and paints one side red and the other black and then does the same to his body. And then he walks through the center of the village and on his merry way.
Obviously, that's going to get you talking. So the villagers start gossiping like it's Dynasty, only they can't decide between them what they saw. Those on one side of the road swear blind he was red, those on the other side he was black. Things are getting a little heated when he walks back through the way he came, and all of a sudden the villagers are switching their positions. No idea who cracked whom on the jaw first, but pretty soon the whole village is wrestling in the dirt. And then --
Well, there are two popular endings. In the first Eshu comes back, breaks it up, and sets them all straight. Sometimes a guy can be red and black and that maybe they ought not to think so plainly if they don't want to be taken for a fool (and not just by divine vagrants, either). Little heavy-handed if you ask me, but in the second he kicks back, cackles to himself and lets them butcher one another to punish them for their ignorance. There are only two kinds of comedians, I guess.
Everybody's got a story. Who's not afraid of feeling silly, I guess is my ice-breaker question. What's the latest and/or greatest time you felt like a fool and who, if anybody, was the clown that took you for one? Were they red or were they black? No story too sordid, no detail too gruesome!!
( no taksies-backsies, sympathy not guaranteed. )