Report #005 - Video - Forward Dated, early Thursday Morning

Oct 26, 2011 22:45

[Have a Roxanne, City; she's not nearly so chipper -- the morning makeup isn't entirely hiding the marks sleepless nights have left, and she's a little pale beneath her concealer. She's not smiling, either. Her expression might best be called 'neutral', the type that people take on when they really don't want to let whatever it is they're feeling be all over their face. She holds her comm and carefully picks her way through-- a place that is definitely not her MAC apartment. Much too messy, too many spare parts, and there are little floating, glowing brainbots following her about like very confused puppies.]

About five am this morning I was woken by the arrival of some brainbot's -- who then lead me back to the -- mini-lair here. Pretty much what I expected, sans it's owner. I think this means Megamind's left the City. Statistically, he'll be back in twenty-four to seventy-two hours, or he won't be back for -- months, years, at all.

[Tight lipped, she surveys the area, things in it -- she has no idea what to do with most of it.]

Providing the City survives this coming storm and he doesn't come back in the middle of it -- [muttering, briefly] that would be so like him -- I'll be looking for strong backs to help me move some of this gear, and a good strong storage unit to put it in. I doubt-- I don't know half of what he made, but I'm pretty sure it it needs to go somewhere that isn't the MAC.

So, something to look forward to, providing we can avert the coming Apocalypse. Fantastic. Another one of his messes to clean up. [It's more hurt, and a little confused, then bitter, but Roxanne would rather be angry then vulnerable. She stares at the apartment in all it's messy glory for a moment, and sys to the brainbots, almost as an after thought] Guess you're with me for now, boys. Hope you're housetrained.

[The comm signal cuts off sharply.]

roxanne ritchi | n/a

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