alright evveryone shut the fuck up for ten minutes i got somethin important to say
noww as wwe are all awware wwithin the wweek wwe as a wwhole are facin the potential utter decimation of our owwn personal sanities and probably our owwn personal selvves on top a that cause thats sorta just howw the horrorterror kind operates
i dont knoww about the lot a you dirtscrapers and assorted seadwellin folk but im not personally feelin fond a that notion
so fuck that im not goin dowwn wwithout a hell of a fight and neither should the lot a you shitbloods wwith notable exceptions
noww i havve personal experience wwith horrorterrors a this nature due to my background
its complicated i dont feel like talkin about it
and therefore i took the liberty a puttin together a group a wwhat you sandsuckers might call ELDRITCH EXPERTS and from wwhat theyvve informed me of wwere goin to havve to fight fire wwith a fuckin flamethrowwer here if wwe got any hope a survvivval
i should knoww im the leadin knowwledge on hope around here
bein the most informed its only fittin that i lead our forces accordinly
since i knoww thats not vviable since for SOME REASON nobody takes me seriously im wwillin to take vvolunteers for a small strike force against the invvadin forces wwhen they arrivve
note that i dont accept wweakness so dont fuckin open your trap if youre not at slightly lowwer than the standard i hold myself to
and wwhile youre at it note that so-called VVILLAINS are wwelcome i got no preference for wwhat you do on your owwn personal time
anywway evvacuation a the wworthless human casualties aside wwhats the gameplan somebody make some dumb bubbly fuckin business-soundin fishnoises at me noww
[AND A SWITCH TO VOICE because his royal text color should be reserved for serious goddamn business.]
Now, aside from that, I realize we got a lot a new arriwals around here. So I got a question for the lot a you.
What's your sign?