.Red 29 [video]

Oct 25, 2011 03:22

[The feed clicks on to show... what is mostly kind of blurry red shapes against a white background. After a moment, though, the focus improves, and anyone looking at it long enough can probably realise that the red shapes are letters - but backwards. Yes, this is the back of something, and the message on the outside reads "ABANDON HOPE ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE" in big, red, and slightly drippy-looking writing, with a smaller "all your base are belong to us" underneath. The stays on the writing while Red Robin's voice comes over the feed, not sounding amused.] It appears we have some industrious vandals around here.

[There's a pause for a moment, then Conner calls out from somewhere not too far off.] Oh, no, that was me. [He sounds very pleased with himself.] Isn't it cool? Figured since Halloween is in a week... Can you see the scratch marks? Krypto helped but I don't know if he made them big enough.

[Another pause, and the camera drops and spins around quickly, giving a jerky view of the interior of the Tower's lounge. It's not exactly thrilling, but they do have a big tv and x-box set up. It ends up pointing at Superboy.] Are you serious? You wrote on the clockface for Halloween?

Yeah! Oh, don't look like that, I made sure it would wash off next time it rains 'cuz I know you'd make me clean it off if it didn't.

You're right, I would. [Sigh.] Why did you use a quote from Dante's Inferno, anyway?

[Pause] ... Why did I quote the what huh?

[Another pause, and another quiet sigh.] It's a poem about a journey into Hell.

... Oh. I just heard it before and thought it sounded funny.

Uh huh. Well, as long as you're not planning to turn the place into a haunted house or something.

Can we turn it into a haunted house? [There's a hint of excitement in his tone.]

[But you can practically hear the Look Red Robin is giving him.]

..... Okay, okay, no haunted house. What about just having people come over and hang if they want? For, like, the teens who are too old for trick or treating but still want to do something fun, provided the world doesn't end that day?

... That doesn't sound so bad, I guess.

You? Are the best person ever. We should totally have a big huge candy bowl so people can have free candy. You can buy a lot of candy, right?

[Oh what has he let himself in for.] I think I can manage that. [Oh by the way, the camera moves down a little to catch a large white dog with a little black cape and hat on. Well, presumably the hat used to be on his head, he's chewing on it right now.] ... Superboy, behind you.

[He is so hoping for a ton of leftovers so he can horde the rest of it.] Huh? ... Krypto!

[Krypto looks up at Superboy, tilting his head to the side with a little 'rrrr?' sound.]

That hat cost me five dollars! Give it - [Conner tries to grab it, but Krypto picks it up and dances away. He drops it, putting his front paws over the hat, front crouched down and lower half up in the air, tail wagging as he barks. He's clearly in a playful mood.]

Drop it! [Conner dives for it again but Krypto just nabs it once more and flies out of his reach, growling and shaking it back and forth in fun. Conner flops onto the couch, waving a hand in the air at his dog.] Oh forget it. And after I got you a new baseball too.

[Krypto makes a sound that, if translated from dogspeak, would probably come across as 'Baseball?! Where?!']

[He just watches this play out, then speaks dryly.] I'm guessing Krypto will need a new costume for the party. Anyway - it's about time we signed off. [CLICK.]

[ooc note: Black text is Tim, red text is Kon, post is from Tim's Red Robin comm.]

† conner kent | superboy, tim drake | robin iii

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