03 - Accidental video post

Feb 01, 2009 18:09

[woo it is the inside of Axel's pocket. So just some weird light and the sound jingling of keys and Axel muttering to himself]

Ugh, I forgot how much working an actual full time job sucks.

[keys in the door now, sound of a lock clicking, and Axel starts yelling]

Yo, Mamori! What's for dinner?!

[and then a surprised squawk from Axel and the unmistakable rat-tat-tat of machine guns as Hiruma rains down BULLETEY FURY on Axel, plus some snarling in the background. ]

[then the sound of a door slamming and some panting, before Axel pulls out the communicator and realizes its on - he's in his work uniform and has his hair in a ponytail in an effort to look as normal as possible. Axel regards the communicator with surprise, before frowning at it and glancing over his shoulder at the door behind him.]

Uh, hey, Mamori? Why is Hiruma trying to shoot me?

† axel | inferno

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