[oo my timing *screams okay let's just. see how this goes.
overcast City skies is the backdrop; makes the cape flowy. pensive and srsbiz Superman is just that, and by the way he draws in a deep breath, looks like we're in for a talky.]
Hello, everyone. This is Superman.
This is something I've been stewing over for quite some time, but no idea is worth much if it just stays in the mind.
Avengers, X-Men, Teen Titans...we've got a great number of groups here with similar things in mind. So I've heard. There's still a lot I don't know, but I don't think there's a whole lot of time for the whole story. What I do know, though, is that a team name doesn't have to stop us from working together for a common goal. The particulars are debatable, but it's clear enough that we've got a very overripe situation on our hands. Press too hard, and it'll burst.
I can't deny how helpful it is to have a network like this--I'm using it now, after all, but. [shaking his head just a little.] I don't think it's going to be enough to keep us informed and prepared enough to tackle any future big impacts that a lot of folks are braced for already. With that in mind, I'm suggesting two things, and both are gatherings.
The first is more in the realm of the physical, as I and many people I know take more comfort in a person's word face to face without the screen separating us. It's something I've been personally hesitant to propose myself, since I don't have access to a facility large enough for the potential numbers it would bring, and for that...I could use a little help. I think we need this. Everyone under one roof, seeing where our numbers stand person to person.
The second is not my strength by any means, but I can't doubt how much we could benefit from a tighter net. Another network. Not the one here, the one where we're pretty much at the whim of any and every person with a handheld and access. When things get serious really fast, we need a more efficient means of reaching the right people--people we'd know be it by reputation, affiliation, or having met and talked before. Faster information without having to stream through postings not of the same nature. I know we've got the minds to help make this idea real, but it takes more than just one request to make it a reality.
[beat, thinking it over before going on, nodding.]
We're in the imPort community, but that's not enough just to leave it at that. We're metahumans, mutants, aliens, and otherworldly beings, but that's not where we have to leave it, either. If you're what that machine called you, be it sarcastically or not--a hero, then...I think we'll benefit from a closer relationship. Even the solo workers know the benefit of backup; to know that if you fall back, there'll be hands to catch you before you slip too far.
[pause.] If nothing else, some face-to-face time would do us some good. As soon as possible. We need to distunguish ourselves from that cell on the west coast and the malignants that ported in alongside us.
I've heard tell that the League was tossed around for a while, back when the League's Blue Beetle was here. I'm not going to propose something so big so fast. Not a Justice League-- a community. A community of similar goals and intentions here: that despite being forced onto this planet, we recognize an opportunity and moral duty to help protect these people in our temporary home. That the only way to have the people's trust is to earn it, and that regardless of our backgrounds and the worlds we've left behind, we can stand as a unified community against the people and ideals that exist and work to destroy and cause more hate and suspicion.
Not everyone brought here is a hero; not everyone brought here should need to be. Not the sort we are. Avengers and X-Men and Titans. Those of us that do wear the capes, though...[a brief pause.] We need to take care of each other to take care of everyone else.
I hope I get the chance to meet you-- all of you. Soon.