May 13, 2008 23:18
I was reading a GREAT book entitled "Postmodern Theory" by Stephen Best and Douglas Kellner. Very clear, concise, and accessible. They tackle Deleuze and Guattari in one chapter. They say that D&G meant to differentiate between the Schizophrenic process (that is the de-centering of subjectivity that is a way to alleviate paranoid and fascistic subjectivity) and the actually malady of schizophrenia. They say that decentering subjectivity is a good thing, and is a good way to resist "the system", but at the same time its best attempted in spurts. Engaging in the schizophrenic process for too long can result in mental illness and real schizophrenia... this is clearly not so desirable. So de-center yourself and others from time to time, and go to the limits but do not go beyond the limits or else you'll wind up crazy. I learned a lot from this book. They have chapters on all the big-time famous postmoderns, well worth the read.