Sep 29, 2003 13:14
and i can just laugh it becomes clearer and more beautiful each and every time comfortably numb second solo the only thing that comes up to d4escribe is "he just rips" rips what i don't know he jsut does it it's what i feel but with the ability to tangibly express it same t hing with woodstock voodoo child they express what they feel and it's beautiful alex grey's art just things like that they manage to put every fiber of thier being into tangible form and that's beautiful and things like tha tthat awe me have to be the ticket so it seems just the scene night out in the open away from cars everything on the grass blankets me and someone else in the presence of the stars something incredibly awe inspiring just us psychedelics help alex grey to express in tangilbe form what he is who he is perhaps they would help us express in tangible from transcendent sex in the influence of other beautiful things who we are and that just seems like a beuatufil night and who knows tears of joy pretty much it's playing and i can'treally stop smiling but something else i was thinking about alex grey before psychedelics felt duality his self portraits ripping apart hisself shaved one side of his head he felt what i feel i guess duality emotional world and rational world physical and emotional reasons for liking someone and what i jsut said last post use both as one the beautiful synthesis and you are experienced his self portraits now are the beautiful unified one and he changed his name to grey becasue grey is the unification of black and white the duality becomes one two people become oen and i can just really relate to what he went through and it expresses itself inside of me but i just really like him and jimi and david gilmour and i just feel kind of beautiful right now just someone thinking not philosophy kyle's terminology someone who recognizes true beauty not just one but the synthesis recognizes it and wants to obtain it the only qualification there really is