Where is your God now?

Nov 16, 2006 04:08

You want to know my ruttin' opinion about God? You really want ta know?

It's simple. Plain. No big mystery. He exists. Yeah, you heard me right, He exists.

But, He ain't on my gorram boat.

Too busy takin' care of all my friends up there with him ta care about me and my lit' boat.

Too damn busy.

Preacher said that Faith fixs you. Said that if a man seeks then he shall find. Well, I'm tired of seekin'. God wants ta find me, He knows where I am.

He found Wash and da Preacher just fine. Hell, he found all my men on Serenity Valley just fine. Believe he will find me too one day. Till than I will just keep flyin'.

And God can just catch up.

random fic, mal

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