SS: Memories

Nov 09, 2006 06:39

It was quiet in the galley. Hell, the whole gorram ship as quiet since everyone went to bed. Everyone except Mal. He was sitting at the dining room table, leaning back in his chair, nursing some wine in a tin cup with a far off look on his face.

“God, Sarge, you gonna drink it!?”

“Hell, yeah! Either that or die of thirst and how bad could it taste anyway?”

A smile comes to the Captain’s lips as the memory of how bad it really did taste comes back to him. Hell, they had nothing else to drink in that damn trench and survival was survival.

He sighs and shakes his head clear of the memory and looks down and finishes off the rest of the wine in his cup. He stares at the now empty tin cup with a shake of his head.

“Don’ gonna drink piss no more.” He murmurs standing up and looking around the galley. He walks back to the counter and sets the cup down onto it. He gives sigh and turns. “Not no more…..”

And he heads to his bunk with a soft smile on his face.

Character: Malcolm Reynolds
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 193

splintered sayings, mal

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