Curse the Silent Stars

Nov 25, 2007 12:01

Title: Curse the Silent Stars
Rating: PG
Summary: Mal's memories keep him up at night
Author’s (OOC) Note: Comments are love.


"Hold on, Marison! We're almost there! Keep breathin', Private! Keep-"

CRASH! The pieces of the old building started raining down in a thousand pieces as the screaming and airplanes from over head filled the air. Mal ducked and covered his head as his ears rang but he needed to find his man. He needed to get the Hell out of here! The building was going to fall any minute. He stood and shook off the dust and pieces of concrete. Ow. Alright, no time to check for injuries. He needed to find Marison and get the Hell out of dodge.

"MARISON!" he screams as he limps through the building as the airplanes threaten to drop more bombs.


Mal barely heard it over the roar of the planes.

"Private!" he falls to his knees next to the man that had his bottom half crushed under the piece of ceiling. He was coughing blood.
"Hold on, Marison. I'll get ya out."

"Nah, Sarge. I'm done. Tell.." he coughs up some blood. "Tell me Claire...I love 'er. Please.."

All Mal could do was nod foolishly. "You bet."

The Private smiles softly. "I see 'er, Sarge. She's beautiful. Inna white dress.." Another cough. "Golden hair." A sudden gasp of breath and the Private falls silent.

Mal was shaking. Not another one. Gorramit! NOT another one.

The whistle of the planes and the bombs dropping close by bring him back.

"SARGE!" Zoe screams. "SARGE!"

Malcolm wakes with a start in his bunk on Serenity. The humming of his beloved ship singing to him. He groans and sits up and scrubs a hand over his face. Another dream.

I don't care what you believe, just believe it

Mal shakes his head clear and stands to walk to his sink. He pulls it out and turns on the water. He cups his hands under the icy, coldness and waits for his hands to fill before splashing it over his face.

He sighs and leans against the sink.

He's got River to worry on but he still could've shown you...if I truly wanted someone bad enough wouldn't be a thing in the 'verse could stop me from going to her.

Tell that t'Inara

Mal looks up at himself in the mirror. She was his something to believe in and yet he couldn't let himself hold on to just have to let go.

Inara. He wondered if he would see her in a white dress on his dying day. No, he doesn't wonder. He knows.

Inara. He moves back to his bunk and sits down with his head in his hands.

So, ya leavin' today, huh?

Yes. My transport will be here in less than an hour.

Kaylee'll miss ya.

And I will miss Kaylee.



Take care of yaself.

I will, Mal.

So, guess this's good-bye

Good-bye, Mal

A tear runs down his cheek and falls to the floor.


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