SS: Three Months of Pregnancy

Aug 10, 2007 10:48

Title: Three Months of Pregnancy
Word Count: 451
Rating: PG
Summary: Mal tries to survive the first three months of Kaylee's prengnancy.
Author’s (OOC) Note: Comments are love.

At first, he was ecstatic that Little Kaylee was pregnant. Thrilled! Overjoyed even. Than, he lived through the first three months. If he wasn’t going to kill the Doctor, he would give him a freakin’ medal.

First Month:

“KAYLEE!” Her name echoes through the walls of Serenity as the Captain stands in the engine room. No Kaylee. He went down to the infirmary, which is always the second place to check, and no Kaylee or Simon. Bad sign. He sighs and makes his way up to the galley to get some tea and wait for the happy couple to emerge from the depths of their room.

He was shocked when it only took them a half hour.

He was even more shocked when Kaylee was pale white and looking miserable with a very concerned husband at her side with his arm around her shoulders.

The Captain was up in a minute and on his way over. “What the-“

Before the Captain could finish, Simon and Kaylee were in the galley and Simon had his hand up to stop the questioning Captain. “I’m taking her to the infirmary. I think I have something for the-“

Just than, Kaylee heaves and throws up all over Mal’s pants and shoes.

Mal stares down at the mess and than back up at Kaylee as she groans and leans against her husband. Simon sighs and pats her shoulder gently as he cuddles her close. He meets Mal’s surprised and questioning eyes.

“Morning sickness.” Finishes the Doctor as he ushers Kaylee away from the bewildered Captain..

Second Month:

Kaylee and Mal where in the engine room.

“You know, Cap? The only good thing about bein’ pregnant so far is my breasts growin’! Look at these!” she says moving out from the other side of the engine looking down and motioning at her breasts.

Mal’s makes a startled face and his hands shoot up to cover his eyes. “OH MY GOD! I CAN’T SEE THAT!”

Third Month:

“I don’ know. One minute I was standin’ and th’ next I wasn’t.” she explains up to her Captain as she lays in his arms.

Mal chuckles slightly. “It’s ok, Lit’Kaylee. Doc said ya might be faintin’ in th’ third month. Just glad I was here t’catch ya.”

Kaylee smiles. “Knew ya would be, Cap.”

By this time and very freaked out Simon was at his wife’s side to do the Doctor/worried husband thing.

Looking back on the past three months made Mal smile as he sipped his tea at the dining table in the middle of the night.

“Gorram it.” He says to himself as he stands to up this cup in the sink. “It’s not even half way over.”

kaylee, splintered sayings, mal

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