Aug 04, 2007 17:30
so my grandmother's got a week to live.....
i'm going to make a list of all my favorite memories of her
1: waking up every morning at her house when I was little and she'd always be at the table drinking coffee (cause she wakes up at like 4:30 every day) and she'd say "I hear somebody! I hear somebody!" and then I'd give her a hug and she'd fix me breakfast.
2: going to the pond with her to feed the ducks
3: her obsession with the status of our clean/dirty clothes ratio at my house/always needing more clothes hangars
4: always mixing up my families clothes
5: never listening to what my mom told her to do
6: how i'd engage her with a conversation about something that was important to me and how she'd just say something like, "i'm too old to understand that" or start going off on some explanation about how she understood about something totally different while ignoring what i was talking about
7: how she'd always say "i love you my baby! be careful!" whenever i left the house.
8: all the mary lee doughnuts she brought us
9: how pretty much the only thing in the world she was concerned with was my family and the pond in Baker
10: how she'd spoil me with catering to my every whim when i was younger. ex. I asked for a ribeye steak everyday for lunch, she'd fix me a ribeye steak everyday for lunch. I ask for a toy, she'd get me a toy. etc
11: how her dog z.j would hump every object in her house and she'd just say, " i can't help it. let him go."
12: when the swans she kept in her backyard attacked grant and my stepdad dropkicked a swan from there to switzerland
13: her love for animals
14: her love for tabloids
15: her love for picadilly/roast beef, corn, mashed potatoes, and peas
16: her smile
17: her devotion to raising me and my family .
i'm gonna miss you maw-maw. i honestly would not be who i am without you. i love you.