Las Vegas NYE Travelog 13
Las Vegas - Mon, 1 Jan 2018, 12:30am
Here are a few pictures from our New Year's Eve celebration with darkfriends in Las Vegas.
our dinner for 28 people went well. We started early, chopping vegetables and doing other prep work with helpers beginning at 2. That enabled us to start putting food on the table at 6:30 instead of 9:30 as often happens with these annual parties. Everyone enjoyed our enchiladas.
After several hours in the kitchen I was tired. Like, no fucks left to give tired.
While I was kicking back with my second Manhattan of the night J. was been hitting the bottle pretty hard. It was his goal to get drunk enough to pass out. Achievement unlocked!
Meanwhile the not-quite-drunk-enough-to-pass-out contingent of the group were having fun singing karaoake. When Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody came on one quartet struck their poses.
Here's to a great 2018!