Jan 31, 2009 20:47
So I've been trying to track down a couple of books for a class I'm teaching in the next couple of weeks, right? And I was getting frustrated because they were not in my work library, and I need to renew my access to the U of C libraries before I can check books out again. (Note to self--get ass to campus and DO THIS! And just pay for the year this time.) I was close to getting fed up and just ordering a copy of the books for myself on Amazon.
...And then I remembered to check the public library system. Sure enough, the big downtown library has two of three checked in and I can pick them up tomorrow. (And number three - John Endler's Natural Selection in the Wild - I actually found a really good price on, so I just ordered it. I had that book checked out for more than a year in grad school, I should probably own it.)
But it is just funny that even a big library nut like me almost forgot to look in the public library.