Yay, beer!

Oct 27, 2007 13:24

Went out drinking with some buddies I originally met through Artlips--we'll call them ZebraPrints and Valkyrie. Anyhow, we'd originally planned to go dancing as part of the pre-halloween weekend. But then the group dwindled...but ZebraPrints had already planned to go and have her hair done to match the outfit she had wanted to wear! So we dolled ourselves up, and hit the Western Ave bars. We looked a little odd--but in the funky little dives, anything is appropriate attire. If I do say so myself, we all looked smashing--I'll post pictures as soon as she sends them on. I actually dragged out my favorite pillbox hat and everything. I need to wear my hats and lovely gloves more.

These are my favoritist bars--small, sort of dim and noisy and smoky, but you can still see well, hear your companions and breathe comfortably. Mismatched chairs, friendly bar staff, cheap, good drinks and local art all over the walls. Maybe that makes me a pretentious hippie, but I'm happy there. We were pretty low key--just went to the Green Eye and the Hungry Brain. Drank enough to be silly but still functional, went home happy, slept till 11. Yay! Now I've had coffee and a smoothie, spent some time looking at the outgroup genotyping for my project and have a lap full of cat. Soon, I will get dressed and get groceries. It's a good Saturday.

(Side note--does anyone know a cleaner that they would trust to handle vintage leather gloves, or have advice on their care? One of my suede pairs is showing some spots that look like they may be the onset of mildew to me!)

fashion, friends, bars, chicago

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