Apr 11, 2006 19:50
i'm giving myself a study break to talk about a bunch of nothingness :)
first off, i rrrreally heart soccer. i haven't played for a couple years, but i'm on a co-ed IM team right now from the civil department. amazingly, we are pretty much awesome (engineers = athletic???). mainly because our goalie is more than willing to hurt himself to save goals. today, he sadly got nailed in the eye, gushed blood all over the floor and had to go to the hospital. but we still won, because we're awesome!!!!!!!! tomorrow is the final game... wow, if we actually win i think we will become gods of the department. ok, probably not...
my ipod is very very sick. and there is no apple store nearby. :( an apple a day keeps the doctor away??? no, that probably doesn't fit in here. anyways, i have to wait until friday to drop it off at twelve oaks on my way home for easter weekend family bonding.
i'm realy sucking at the f.e. practice tests. i just get really frustrated with all the noises around me and make a ton of dumb mistakes. i'm really nervous that i won't pass, which would be pretty embarassing.
i think jamie is the only person that can get me to laugh when i'm really furious. and it pisses me off... but not really :)
our senior design project sucks. if it had been something i really was interested in, that'd be great. green roofs = not interesting to holly. soon it will be over and i won't have to work with this team ever again.
actually, everything will be over soon. graduation in a few weeks. at this point it really doesn't mean much to me. i know it should, but if i'm staying here for an extra semester anyways, it seems kind of pointless. oh well, at least i get to try a new restaurant (yes it is always about the food)!
we (the harmas) just recorded some songs at a new recording studio. way better than last year in every way. but still just as tiring.
i'm sure there is more, but i've already exceeded my 10 minutes of relaxation. good bye :)