Random Thoughts

Nov 03, 2006 22:17

LJ - I created a new layout. It's FNL/Riggins/Fall colors. I am so ridiculously in love with all three things. Although I don't like the fall weather - it's been raining here for days. Bleck.

SEATTLE - I leave Tuesday morning for my round of the Internation Seattle Comedy Competition. I've gotten past the nervous stage and I'm full-on into the excitment stage. I can't wait to do this. I can't wait to travel and do shows in the US (I LOVE performing in the US.) And I can't wait to hit the outlet malls on the way down!!! lol.

WANNA KEEP TRACK? - If anyone is interested, there is a great site that updates/reviews after every night of the competition. It's located HERE. The writer gives details on venues, audience, each comics set and where everyone ended up after the scores come in. When I say it's a great site, I mean the writing is good and indepth. The layout is kinda horrible. :-) Oh well.

Keep in mind that there's 16 comics every round. Each round is 6 days and only the 5 comics who score the best overall at the end of the 6 days move on to the semi-finals. I know I don't have a real shot at the semis, but it's okay. Most of the people I'm competing against have been doing this for MANY more years than me. Really, as cliche as it sounds, it's really just an honor I was chosen to compete. They get hundreds of audition tapes each year and only choose 32. I am one of those. I rule! 6 days of competing is going to be a GREAT experience and I can't wait. I keep telling myself: Clear eyes. Full Heart. Can't lose. And I intend to say it every night before my set. So... who knows? :-)

Did I mention one of my best friends, Jennie, took the week off work and is coming with me. She's going to be my "people". lol. She's calling herself "Jennie Drama" (get it? Like Johnny Drama. Get it? We comics amuse no one but ourselves sometimes.) That's going to take a lot of stress off me cuz we can get hammered together and just have fun and she can make sure I don't fall in love with yet another comic. lol.

TAKING A STEP - I've been invited to a HUGE anniversary party for one of the top talent agencies in Vancouver. It's a Pajama Party. I'm hoping to find some cute PJs at one of the outlet malls because I don't think I want to show up in the undies and tank I currently sleep in. :-) Anyway the invite is for 2. There's this actor/voice guy who I have known for alost 2 years now and we flirt a lot. Everytime I see him whoever I am with always says, "Wow. He's totally into you." He's asked for my card twice but he's never CALLED me or even emailed me. But still, everytime I see him he flirts. He did invite me to his birthday party once but I never went. I didn't know anybody and I had no one to go with so I didn't go. A few of my guy friends say that's why he hasn't asked me "out". I blew off his bday. So.... I'm going to ask him to come to the PJ party with me. I'm going with people he knows and he's industry so I know it won't be weird for him. I hope he says yes. I don't ask boys out ever so.... I'm nervous.

And if you're wondering, I'm still madly in love with Rob but I don't think I'll see him again until next April when I head back to LA and.... I can't pine away for someone. I can't. I need to try to find what I felt for Rob with someone here. So this is my first attempt.

That's it for me! I hope you guys have a great week next week and if you remember - think lucky thoughts for me!

boys, comedy, seattle, la boy

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