SQUEE for Money!

May 05, 2006 17:56

I have not bought myself anything "extra" for the last 6 months. I have not bought myself anything non-extra (like prescription glasses that aren't broken or underwear without holes) in 6 months. I was saving for that LA trip and I was shoveling massive amounts of cash into Forrest the Shitty Taurus. Anyway, I've had some GREAT financial luck - one thing being selling Forrest. And my financial advisor actually INSISTED I buy some stuff for myself. Some essentials (like a pair of glasses that aren't crazy-glued together) and some NON-essentials (CLOTHES!).

See, thanks to my eye problems (chronic dry eye, scar tissue, blah blah blah) I can't wear contacts for more than 4 hours at a time, so although my prescription is wee I do need to wear something for driving and TV. And I have been wearing BROKEN glasses for 4 months. Very evidentally, embarassingly broken. Today I stopped by Lenscrafters and they had a SALE on!!! I got 2 pairs of glasses for the price of one!!! A regular pair and a pair of SUNGLASSES!!! I've never had prescription sunglasses before so I'm EXCITED!!!! And they're these really funky, really incredible looking Anne Kleins. I heart the so much I almost started to PET them while they sat in the little tray waiting to be prescription-ified. *sigh* Seriously, I'm gonna look SMOKIN'! Seriously. No lie. You'll want me.

And tomorrow, I take $300 and buy STUFF!!!!! I'm hitting Dynamite, Old Navy and Payless. (Cuz I may have money but I'm still Scottish. No designer duds for me! Quantity over quality all the way!) *Squee* I really can NOT stress to you enough how happy shopping makes me and I haven't done it in 6 MONTHS!!!! AND I can do it completely GUILT FREE I have already paid off my Visa and my Mastercard AND budgeted enough to get the new car licensed, etc. Look at me! I'm all budgety and stuff.

And speaking of things that make me *SQUEE!*

I had a show last night but I stayed up late and watched SN the MINUTE I got home. Honestly, the tape could not rewind fast enough. 
I have so many fleeting and somewhat mixed emotions about this episode.

I loved 90% of it.

I loved Dean. He was tortured and angry and hellbent and hurt and holy hell Jensen Ackles can act. Who knew? Honestly, up until this show I had no idea. He SHINES in this role. And it just gets better and better with each episode. The boy has talent (just like his nifty little friends). So this just goes to show hot boys hang together and so do talented ones...

The scenes between Meg and Dean were some of my favorite. "Where is he, Meg?" She gives catty response. "Where is he, Bitch?" (Am I the only one who rewound the tape 5 times just to watch his lips move. Holy fuck he looks hot saying bitch. *fans self*). And how quiet he was at the car before they went to Sunrise... And how he didn't listen to Sam and brought the gun anyway... And how he got all pissy when Sam wrote on the car. But seriously - the award winning line - "I have a Yorkie in there who pees when he's nervous." LOL OMG! Fan-Fucking-Tastic.

I LOVE that Kripe manages to keep the humor even in the most angsty of episodes. He keeps the characters true.

The stuff between Dean and Demon-Dad - broke my little heart. Dad likes Sam better?! Dean needs his family more than they need him?! SHUT UP DEMON DAD!!! So mean.... but so tru. And holy hell JDM as a badass - SMOKIN HOT!

Sam was going to propose to Jess?! Aren't they a little young??? Come on.. He should have at least one fling with an OLDER Canadian girl with large hair before he settles down... everybody knows that... Shesh...

I loved how Dean knew Dad wasn't Dad either. And that moment where Sam needed to make a choice - trust Dad or Dean and he steps up beside Dean. That was a poetic moment. Love. Love. Love.

So what part didn't I love? Well, the mack truck. Hitting people with mack trucks is just SO over done these days. Although I so didn't see it coming and I actually jumped when it happened, as soon as it was done I was like. "Hello Prison Break." or if you live in BC, "Hello Drinking and Driving Ad" Anyway still the scene at the end, they did look SUPER DUPER messed up and I think Sam's gonna have it the worst. You could barely recognize the boy he was so covered in blood.

Also wasn't all that fond of the continuity problem. In the scene where they're all driving (just before the mack truck) Dean is evidentally in the back seat behind SAM. You see him in the wide shots. Then they do a close up on him and he's curled up on the OTHER side of the car behind Papa W. WTF?! That kind of shit - even when it's tiny - makes me mental. Can you tell I've been on sets and worked on TV stuff? heh. A year ago I wouldn't have noticed this.

and finally, ARE THEY GOING TO RENEW IT???? This cliffhanger could be quite the BITCH if CW doesn't pick it up. PICK IT UP!!!

Now back to me. lol. Last night after my show (I did swimmingly, thanks for asking) 2 big biker-looking dudes came up to me and told me they thought I was HYSTERICAL. One guy is like, "I'll never ever be able to see your type of hair without thinking about your joke." The other more burley of the two told me I "almost made him pee." I THANKED him. lol. Yeah, compliments in this business are pretty fucking weird. :-) And it was one of my biggest compliments to-date to know I almost made a biker pee himself. Hee hee.

I know you've all probably seen this pic before - I'm behind because I have only recently publicly admitted to given in to my addiction, but really....

Jared, the leg-thing.... you are my hero. lol.

shopping, supernatural, comedy, money, clothes, glasses

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