Prison Break

May 01, 2006 21:07

This episode was so intense it made me nauseous. But hly hell BREAK OUT ALL READY!

Go Charles!!! Way to kick the boss' ASS! But sadly, I think we all pretty much know Westmoreland is toast. The poor guy can barely walk let alone shimmy across a wire and run for his freedom. Sadness. But Bellick in the hole... SUCKER! I hope they all take turns kicking him when they escape.

I think that C-Note isn't gonna make it either. I think that dude from his old gang is gonna start following him around and either shank him or make him miss the escape somehow.

Sara is SO going to go back to the infirmary and unlock the door. She is. You know it and I know it. Let's all give a big THANKS to the heinousness that is her father for making the decision so easy for her. The fact is, it wasn't so much the fact that he sold Lincoln out for a chance at being VP as much as it was the fact that he talked to her like she was dog shit that's really making her change her mind. And I'm so glad he is a bigger asshat than even I thought possible. Now I won't feel bad for him at all when she leaves her life, and her dad,  to go on the lamb with (and have mad, animalistic sex with) Michael.

I really liked the scene between them too. How honest he was and how much he wanted her to believe he really DID care about her. And how she so didn't believe a word of it.... How pissed she was she was played at all. So cool. I like the way they gave us more backstory too - like Sara's mom was a drunk and her dad DOES know about her substance abuse and even got her out of trouble. Sara is far from perfect - thank god!  (That said that scene they ended focused on her face - her eyes.... I hate to say it but they need to stop focusing on her eyes cuz it ain't pretty....Sarah Wayne Callies is freaking CROSS EYED!!!!)

There was no point to that whole flashback thing where we saw everyone's reasons for wanting to leave. It's only purpose was to waste time so they could drag this escape day thing out until next week. Thanks for that. ARRRGH!

The general issue I have with the entire episode is the whole deal with Tweener. So are we really supposed to believe that Michael is that big of an idiot. Like a supremo, monster, gargantuan IDIOT?!?  Watching the stares he's giving Tweener when Tweener is very evidentally trying to find Bellick or blabbing to other guards he wants to find Bellick... HOW CAN THE SMARTEST CONVICT IN THE HISTORY OF CONVICTS NOT KNOW HE'S BEING SOLD OUT?!

I don't know how - because it really doesn't seem remotely possible - but I can't help but think Michael knows exactly what Tweener is doing and he's okay with it. I don't know why but at this point it can't just be his hero complex. It just can't..... right? Someone help me out here!

Well we know from what we've seen in the previews that Michael gets Lincoln out of the SHU, so how the hell does Michael get Pope past the secretary and the guards?! And what the HELL does he do with him once he gets Linc out?! I'm so confused. Excited and overwhelmed and confused.

I heard rumors Michael doesn't make it. Micheal HAS to make it. How the hell are they going to get him out later??? He HAS to make it!!!!

We're supposed to wait till NEXT Monday for the answers???? Really????? How the hell am I supposed to sleep at night?????


Oh and did anybody catch Wentworth on Ellen??? Holy freaking beautiful. I swear to god I have no idea how 2 mere mortals created something THAT beautiful. He's beyond beautiful.... BE-YOND. And he was so adorable when all the woman were screaming at him... and Ellen was screaming at him..... HA!

And when when he said he was allergic to cats and dogs and Ellen said "Woman at home right now are getting ride of their cats and dogs."
LOL. Don't think I wasn't thinking of who I could hand Tugs off to....

And speaking of hotness.... if you watch SuperNatural YOU MUST head to
coffeefueled and check out the sheer and utter beauty that is
Tinamishi's icons. She's freaking brilliant!!!!!!!

icons, wentworth miller, prison break, tv

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