Last week I had this weird fortune cookie that made no sense to me, and so I put it up in my away message to see if if anyone had any guesses.
"Now is the time to make circles with mints, do not haste any longer."
Ryan was so kind enough to point out to me that it actually did have real meaning:
obviously, they are referring the practice of an ancient form Buddhist meditation. One draws circles with mints to represent the continuous cycle of eating. The meal ends with the mint, but it is also an early appetizer for the next. Thus the circle of eating begins and ends with the mint. They tell you not to haste because your circle drawings have previously been done too quickly. One should draw the circle slowly to aid in meditation and ultimately enlightenment.
see here: (Which I did not just find to justify my answer)
I was so amazed that I had to save it. And of course share with anyone else. Thanks.