MAAN day and Caz day!
I was to meet Caz at the top of the Leicester Square Underground stop. I actually got there a bit early and made my way towards the National Portrait Gallery (gotta go back there someday) and poked around for a bit. Did you know there is a photo portrait of Noel Clarke there? Mickey? But the little plaque made no mention of his involvement with Doctor Who.
Spent the day with wonderful
caz963 talking shop - it's interesting that some of teaching's most "wonderful" challenges trandscend culture. The world over -that's teachers for you - doing God's work and earning the thanks of a grateful nation for their efforts.
Worked our way from Covent Garden to the Tate Modern - a museum I liked very much. I like modern art. I think it challenges the sense of humor. And there was plenty to laugh about at the Tate. Plus, I'm always interested in the line between 'art' and 'artful'.
Late afternoon brought us to a Chinese restaurant and a quick stop at my hotel where I gave Reese cups and Goldfish (one bag for each young-in') to Caz. Finally, we made our way towards the Wyndham Theatre. I had scoped out the Stagedoor earlier that day wondering how quickly we would have to get out of the theatre to get an autograph.
The play was wonderful and may I brag that I got an eyeline straight to DT's crotch. You've heard of the scene where he sits down in his denim miniskirt and spreads his legs? Yes, ladies. That was me. Slowly reallizing what I was seeing and sniggering the whole time. "Caz, do you see what I'm seeing?" I asked. "Yes," came the reply. Oh, so those girls on tennant_love weren't kidding. Major crotchage.
I've gotta say though, and I love you caz, so you'll have to forgive me.
DT legs:
Knobby knees and hairy.
I'm sorry. When you live with these legs (see below), DT can't complete.
Them's nice legs.
But I guess it's all a matter of taste.
(BTW, please nobody tell my husband I put his sexy legs on my LJ. I barely talked him into letting me take pictures. He's really very shy.)
Anyway, kissage, white men dancing (oh Lordy, Lord), curtain call, another curtain call, curtain call again, yes, yes, yes, clap clap clap and a quick dash out of the theatre, 'round back to be met with not-quite-a-screaming horde of the masses but certainly a crowd. I managed to get up on my tiptoes, Caz behind me, and no pics, but this:
Caz, too! Quite a thrill for me. So it's not a photograph or a short hello or whatever. Truth be told, my cat could've been holding my program for all the attention it got. But it counts, doesn't it? Even without any eye contact or acknowledgement of my existence (other than a disembodied program waiting patiently in the air) from the woman and man themselves?
Back to the hotel, on the Tube holding my program in my hot little hands, I was unable to sleep until 4:30 that morning. Part jet-lag, I suppose, part adrenaline, and part the noisy partying bastards down the hall (WTF - are they actually jumping on the beds? With clapping?), finally I fell asleep. Ah, London, you've been good to me so far.