Ninja'd from the flist

Mar 20, 2008 13:04

1. Who is your favorite SG-1 character?
Daniel, at least he was til Vala came along and she totally kicked him outta first place.. Vala is just awesome and so so funny which makes it hard for me not to like her..

2. Who is your favorite Atlantis character?
Definatly Elizabeth and Carson and they are both dead!! (from now on i'm not liking anyone cause they just seam to kill them off..

3. What is your favorite SG-1 episode?
Probably Moebious  Pt 1&2.. Geeky Carter was hillarious!!!

4. Who is your favorite SG-1 villain?
Adria, she was bloody creepy!!

5. Who is your favorite SGA villain?
Wratih Queens, they are scary shit!!! LOL

6. P-90 or Zat?

7. you'll be…Jaffa or Tok’ra?
Jaffa.. I don't like the idea of having some snake thing making itself at home in my stomach.. lol

8. Goa’uld mother ship or X-303?
Goa’uld mother ship

9. Ori or Ancient?

10. Who is the best O’Neill.. Kurt Russell or Richard Dean Anderson?
RDA no contest!

11. The best Daniel Jackson…James Spader or Michael Shanks?
Shanks defintaly, he's just good!

12. Asgard or Replicator?
Replicator, cause they get to wear pants! LOL

13. Who is the best leader of Atlantis, Weir or Carter?
And who’s the best leader of SG1, O’Neill or Mitchell?
OMG Weir and O'Neill by a mile..
Seriously bring back Weir, Carter sucks as the leader of Atlantis!!!

14. Who is best leader of the SGC...Hammond, O’Neill, Weir or Landry?
Though i find Weir just awesome, i prefer her in Atlantis, so i'm gonna go with Hammond.

15. Jonas Quinn or Vala Mal Doran?
Vala, What can i say Claudia Black is just too awesome!!!

16. Col. Mitchell or Dr. Fraiser?
Mitchell, i was really never that fond of Fraiser for some reason!!

17. Who would you kill first...Apophis, Baal, Cronos, Hathor, Yu or Anubis?
Anubis.. That guys voice just pisses me right off!!!!

18. Keller or Beckett?
Beckett.. OMG seriously how could you not love Beckett (especially in Irresistable.. Hillarious!!)

19. In a 1 on 1 fight, who would win...Teal’c or Ronon?
Teal’c, cause he's just buff!! LOL

20. What is your favorite Atlantis episode?
The Storm and The eye, and The Real World.

21. Carter or Mckay?
Mckay gotta love the guy, he's hillarious!!!

22. Dr. Bill Lee or Radek Zelenka?

23. Stargate the movie (1994) or The Ark Of Truth?
The Ark of Truth!!!!

24. Major Lorne or Major Davis?
Lorne, Kavan Smith is hot!!

25 and finally, SG-1 or Atlantis?
They are both really good, but seeing as Atlantis killed of my two favourite characters, fairly close together migh i add, i'm gonna have to go with SG1..

meme, stargate sg1, stargate atlantis

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