(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 13:26

Meme stolen from

You have to use three words to answer each question. No more, no less. It's harder than you think.

01. Where is your cell phone? In my bag.

02. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Total butt head.

03. Your hair? Brown, long, hideous.

04. Where is your father? Probably at work.

05. Cheesecake? Yummy, Blueberry cheesecake.

06. Your favorite thing to do? Watch cool shows.

07.Your dream last night? Flying purple turtles.

08. Your favorite drink? Coffee or Water.

09. Your dream car? Wicked sports car.

10. The room you're in? The lounge room.

11. George Bush? Couldn't care less.

12. Your fears? Scary F@!*king Clowns

13. Nipple rings? Oh hell no.

14. Who did you hang out with last night? Steven and Amelia

15. What you're not good at? Shutting up mostly.

16. Your best friends? Are totally awesome.

17. One of your wish list items? comic-con tickets 4 life. (haha 4 isn't a word!!! Suckers!! LOL)

18. Where did you grow up? Small country town.

19. The last thing you did? Drank Coke Zero

20. What are you wearing? Clothes, you dumbass.

21. Tattoo on the lower back? Nope, maybe later

22. Ketchup? Better than sauce.

23. Your computer? Full of crap.

24. Your life? Could be better.

25. Your mood? Little bit Hypo.

26. Missing? All my friends.

27. What are you thinking about right now? Gotta finish homework.

28. Your car? Car? What Car?

29. Your work? Working on it.

30. Your summer? Beach Bummin' Awesome

31. Your relationship status? It's semi complicated.

32. Your favorite color(s)? Greens and Blues.

33. Last time you laughed? This morning actually.

34. Last time you cried? A month ago

35. High school? So so easy.

36. This quiz? Wasted homework minutes.


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