I had to admit that this black hair thing probably wasn't half as bad as I had made it out to be. I guess Veronica more or less surprised me with it. I had a hard enough time getting used to the fact that she now had black hair let alone my own hair, but I sort of felt relieved in a way with it. Like the hair color was a cover or a flush of who we
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No, of course, that wasn't the kicker. I thought it was brilliant how she lied about knowing the involvement of the Fighting Fitzpatricks. That really took the cake.
I was down at the Sheriff's department when my cell phone began to ring. I glanced towards the display as it read Unknown Name, Unknown Number and I knew - I just knew - that Veronica was on the other end of that phone. She had taken all the untraceable phones.
Opening the cell, I shut my eyes tightly, "Hello?" I took a hard breath inwards (relief or tension, I don't know) as she gave me a Hi, Dad that seemed so intense and tiny at the ( ... )
"Mexico's too close, too obvious. I told you that man doesn't actually know how to investigate anything." I said, why else would he have arrested Logan yesterday? "Mexico was never the plan." I didn't bother mentioning to my dad we didn't really have enough prep time for fake ( ... )
Lamb not following us should seem like better news, but right now it doesn't even seem to matter. I worried about Veronica and Veronica worried about her dad. If I assumed her dad worried about me it'd be a vicious cycle, except I'm sure he wonders how I'm treating her. They didn't even really discussed why we were out here now.
"Well, how about when we go home and graduate you still go to Berkeley and he can worry about you there?" I offered lightly to her as I tugged us back to lay down on the bed more comfortably.
I wanted to say I'm sorry, I wanted to say Thank you and I wanted to say I love you, but none of the words would slip from my mouth. I hated to see her so upset with something ( ... )
"I'll be okay, I promise. I just... it's hard, hearing him that upset." I said. "I'll be okay." I repeated, lifting my head slightly and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "I've got you here, right? I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be right now. Dad knows I'm safer here than at home. He even said it." I told him, letting out a breath. I wondered if Logan knew how much his being here helped me. How much his just holding me right now was the best thing he could possibly do.
"Logan? You don't have to feel guilty about any of this, okay? I don't want you sitting there beating yourself up because you've somehow screwed up my life in some big way. You haven't. School, Berkeley? They're not going anywhere." I insisted gently.
I seriously belief if anything happened to her it would be my fault at this point. I just don't tell her it.
Letting out a breath, I tried to laugh. "You really know how to intervene a pity party, don't you?" I asked her. I had my right to feel guilty no matter how much I assumed it was my fault and how much she assumed it wasn't. Even if guilty wasn't a feeling I wanted, I was going to feel it at this moment.
"You've got me here, V," I confirm. That's all that really needed to be discussed, wasn't it? She had me here and no matter what I felt it wasn't as if I wanted to/was going anywhere. I was here with her and I wouldn't choose to be anywhere else.
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