(no subject)

May 15, 2013 21:04

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pressure Valve by
1.8k, Explicit, Tony/Pepper/Bruce and various combinations therein
There's a laundry list of kinks attached to this one, but nggggggggl. I love the dynamic between Bruce and Pepper (LOVE) and how that moment is about them, without ever shutting Tony out of it. In a nutshell: Really excellent character dynamics and fucking hot porn.

Permissions by
728 words, Mature, Tony/Pepper
It's arc reactor kink, until it's not. So so intimate and so so good.

in the dark of the night performed by
14:44, MP3, Not rated, Sif/Peggy
I told exmanhater I'd be in my bunk, because um, yes.

SPOILERS FOR IM3 - your telescope eyes by
1.6k, Explicit, Maya/Pepper, Tony/Pepper, Maya/OCs
Maya gets some much-needed fleshing out and is given a life of her own. I love that Maya's life is complicated and messy and so much more beautifully defined than anything canon gave us. It's not really comics Maya either, but that's all to the good, because movie Maya and comics Maya have so little in common.

SPOILERS FOR IM3 - Iron Man 4 should be about Tony Stark the Futurist by Chris Lough
Tony Stark meta! Some incredible thoughts on where Phase 3 could go with the character (sidenote: YES PLEASE THIS WOULD BE GREAT)

coffeeandink has written some really excellent meta on the film, mostly focusing on the growth of Tony-as-a-character and of the series overall. YES YES YES YES.

This entry was also posted at http://cantarina.dreamwidth.org/171957.html. (comments:

recs: podfic, recs: fic, recs: meta, fandom: the avengers (2012)

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