Home Truths about what MRAs think about feminism and whyA dear friend disclosed a while ago that he thinks of himself as a Men's Rights Activist, which has been the weirdest head trip, because he's among of the most feminist people I know, for all that he rarely expresses it through our language and frameworks. I doubt I'll ever feel anything but conflicted about the movement, not so long as sites like A Voice for Men are still around (if you don't know it, do yourself a favour and don't visit) but the article I've linked is sound and well-written and at the end of the day, I'm I can't throw stones at anyone for feeling alienated by the mainstream feminist movement. (Except for the contributors to AVfM. Seriously, that entire site is some fucked up misogyny and sexism.)
An Informal Guide on Finding More (Queer) Booksnow that Amazon has bought Goodreads. Love the shoutout to
Queer Book Club and would add my own for
Diversity in YA.
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