Title: Old Habits
Day/Theme: April 8, 2010 - Too much love will kill you in the end
Series: Inuyasha
Character/Pairing: Miroku, Sango
Rating: K
Sango hid a smile behind a hand, watching as Miroku politely brushed off the young village girl's advances. Gingerly stepping backwards, Miroku tried to put as much distance between himself and the overeager village girl as possible. Reach back and gripping Sango's arm tightly, Miroku rushed her out of the village before letting out a deep sigh.
Once they were out of sight, Sango didn't even bother to hid her amusement. "A bit out of practice, aren't you?"
Miroku shot her a wry smile. "I don't know what you could possibly be implying."
Sango only rolled her eyes, immune to most of his charms. "I must admit that I'm impressed. You've actually been behaving yourself quite well lately." Miroku moved closer, one hand sliding along her back to gently rub along her waist. Sango's hand caught his own and she lightly pinched the area near his wrist. "I see I spoke too soon."
Miroku only used the position to pull her against his chest. Leaning his chin on top of her shoulder, he smiled. "And who could blame me when I have such a beautiful wife?"