Apr 10, 2010 23:35
100 days of blogging! Now if I could be this successful on my writing blog.
My love and his birthday. How they hate one another. Yes, I know this sounds really weird but Ethan is always in a poop mood on his birthday. I think it has something to do with how birthdays used to be when we were young.
You remember? The big parties with all the friends and all the gifts? Then we grew up and birthdays became nothing more than drinking and then, eventually you hit a day when your birthday is just your kids waking you up far to early and eating a mediocre dinner with your extended family. You see where I’m coming from?
The good thing is that it only lasts one day. He doesn’t carry on his birthday funk through the weekend. For that, I am thankful.
We did eat dinner with the whole family. But the restaurant left something to be desired. The great thing was that we all chipped in and got Ethan a new barbecue for his birthday. And he loves it.
Otherwise, today I went to my moms because she was hosting this jewelry party. I got a couple necklaces and had fun with Zoë, Aleece, Katie and my mom. The woman who was the rep was relay weird but we were doing it because a family friend is learning how to be a rep - so we were actually buying from her.
i love ethan,