Age: 18
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Not given, but doesn't seem too heavy.
Medical Info:
1. Is a trap! Or a reverse-trap, whatever you want to call it. The point is, she's not actually male. More on that later (and in a separate post).
2. Is not quite human! And if you look at her cells under a microscope, they will have a pretty design on them. At least, Ceres's did, so I'm kind of assuming Shuro's would too. ... look, I never said Yuu Watase knew anything about science.
Eyes: Golden brown
Hair: Blue You know what, screw the anime, it's brown in all three pieces of color manga art featuring Shuro, so I'm going with brown.
Physical traits: ... nothing notable you couldn't tell from the icons and the above stats?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Just about anything should be okay -- she's pretty zen. Don't, like, go on and on about a certain someone's death, or go "HAY EVERYONE SHURO IS A GIRL," or anything like that, but other than that, it should be okay?
Abilities: ... well. Shuro is the descendant of a ten'nyo/celestial maiden, and her powers are linked to her voice. So basically all this means on a normal basis is that she's a really good singer with really amazing range (and there is, in fact, something particularly moving about her singing), and she can drastically alter the way her voice sounds. When she's in her celestial maiden form, on the other hand, her voice is essentially a weapon -- she can destroy things (hence the username -- Shuro's voice really can break glass!) and even kill people by singing. She is not, however, going to be doing this much, if at all, in camp, because... she's not really a fighter. She is capable of fighting, and will do so if she has no other choice, but she would rather not. Besides, she doesn't want to advertise the whole ten'nyo thing.
Notes for the Psychics: Her surface thoughts are probably pretty calm and mostly about music, but underneath that... well, obviously she's got a few secrets. And some angst, though she deals with it surprisingly well.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Just let me know beforehand!
Maim/Murder/Death: Please don't.
Cooking: I have no canon on this, but I am assuming that, as cooking is typically a Girl Thing (... except if you're Yuuhi, I guess), she was never really taught to and was never particularly interested in learning. So she doesn't know how.