chipotle 4eva

Sep 30, 2006 13:42

So far, things are still really good with my job.  I've been getting up crazy early and therefore going to bed super early, but I'm getting used to it.  Yesterday, I had to drive all the way back to Louisville to get my computer from the IT guy before 9am.  So I got up around 5:30 and left the house at 6:30.  It was still dark for the first half of my drive and the fog was crazy, so I drove super slow.  Everyone was speeding around me which I usually hate but I was so worried about staying on the road that I didn't really care that everyone was growing impatient with me.  A few times I pulled over and just let people pass me.  By the time I got out of Nowhere, Indiana and to the highway the fog had lifted and the sun was out so the 2nd hour was much better than the first.  I got there just in time to meet with the guy and get my computer.

After that, I spent the morning with two of the other Reps stuffing flyers into church bulletins for an upcoming blood drive.  I need to get over it because I'm really not that young, but it's cool to have a job that someone's parents have.  The two women I spent the morning with are both in their 40s and talked most of the time about their kids.  The best I had to contribute were stories about Rhonda, but I don't think parents like to hear their kids compared to animals.

Once we got back from the church, the department threw a little lunch for me (yum!) and then we had 2 back-to-back meetings.  There is a serious serious shortage of blood (did you know only about 3% of eligible donors actually donate blood??!?!?!?!) so my boss, her boss, and her boss's boss spent several hours talking about the upcoming blood drives and what we should do to get the numbers up.  I don't know if she was kidding or not, but my boss's boss's boss asked if I'd be ready to report on the drives in my counties by next week.  Uh....I think I kinda made a face and said I'd try.  At this point, I barely know where all my counties are so I have a lot of researching to do between now and next Friday.  Fortunately, I'm spending Monday on the road with the Rep who's been covering my places so I'll finally get to see some of the blood drive sites and meet some contacts.

I think the part that makes me most nervous about this job is the actual blood drive.  There's a head nurse at each drive, called the Charge Nurse, and s/he's in charge of all the phlebotomists (sp?) - the people who take the blood.  I'm going to responsible for dealing with the Charge Nurse and making sure things are going well, that we're meeting our goals, that we have everything we need, etc etc.  I hear some of the people can be difficult to work with, so I hope I'm ready to be one of the people in charge.

Other than work, things are going alright.  I'm full of Chipotle which is enough to brighten any day.  I don't feel so bad about eating the whole daggone burrito cuz I got up early this morning to finally go to that Jazzercise class.  It was an hour and super super fun.  I was sweating the whole time, but I never felt bored or like it was never going to end.  It really just felt like we were dancing because we would do a little routine to some song and then when the song ended, we had a few seconds to drink water before the next song started.  The pace was really good and everyone was really friendly.  I can sign up for unlimited classes for only $29/month so I think I'm gonna do that.

Anyway, I should get back to cleaning this little house.  The people in their 1st year of Abdel's graduate program are doing a reading tonight at 7pm so I need to do quite a bit before I'll be ready to go. 
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