More celebration for the end of the main plot, I guess! Just contribute as you think of things. Considering us, I would not recommend you actually play this game with alcohol. All My SEES: I Hate the Shit out of my Liver.
Anyway. We're overdue for one of these too. Tag in with your general idea of what your characters will be doing in ten years, and other people will tag you and we'll work out relationships that way, yes?
Since the main plot's over and done with, in addition to us just being way overdue for one anyway, it's time for a CR Meme. You know the drill, but just as a refresher, list off your characters in a comment, people will tag you with characters of theirs, you describe Y Character's feelings for X Character. And so on.
So. What kind of underwear do your characters wear, if they wear anything at all? Do they hide anything in/under their clothes, which is totally unsurprising considering this city? What do they wear to sleep?
So, AMS Genetics! That is, inheriting certain traits from parents/grandparents despite Genetics Not Working That Way. Appropriate example for this journal: Masochism.